What was it like living there? I'm just curious, not looking to start anything.
East Germany
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It was a paradise.
it was so great they had to build a wall and kill people who tried to leave
something something constant sex with gigantic goddesses
It was the envy of it's peers
>''Those damn Germans,'' said a Czechoslovak journalist. ''They even make socialism work.''
>East Germany is considered a success. It is the most important exporter of machine tools and other advanced manufactured items to the Soviet bloc. And its people maintain a standard of comfort and consumption that other European Communists envy.
My grandmother's brother lived there with his family and he describes it as little Africa in the middle of Europe. They moved to Hamburg after 1989
because the East German government lied.
East Germany had a shit economy and only survived until 1989 thanks to huge West German loans.
shithole, literally european Mexico
>spend trillions on west berlin for propaganda purposes
>wow people actually want to live there what a surprise!
>no nintendo
>no funko pops
>no #PRIDE® (sponsored by Citibank™) parades
Imagine Hell on Earth but somehow even worse...
>nationalist diaspora
lmao, you must've forgot you're posting with a name
For a socialist/communist country? Pretty good standard of living. Except the whole fucking wall and Stasi listening to everything you say on the phone. My dad went there for a few years after his university to get practical experience in mechanical engineering and said that compared to socialist Poland it was way better.
In general? Bad, as with most soviet states it was running on foreign loans to sustain itself and plenty of industrial equipment/machinery was taken as "reparations" to USSR.
Even Yugoslavia which was very much opposed to the Soviet Union had to run on loans but after Tito's death it quickly fell apart so most people from ex-Yugo that think fondly of their country don't realise that the system fell before they started to get actual financial problems
im not a nationalist tho
Sgeht ab meine nordidischen Indoor-Germanen?! Habt ihr es satt, ein Dasein als Paypigs, für schwimmfaule, Antanz-Tunesier zu fristen?! Durftet ihr, eures güldenen Haupthaares zu Dank, in der Kölner Silvesternacht, erst als letzte in Susis Punaniland einmarschieren?! Wisst ihr, die angewachsenen Ohrläppchen, des Pandemie-Patriziats wohl zu deuten?! Dann entströmt euren Incelkellern!!! Leistet Widerstand!!! Kontaktinfo im Thumbnail!!!
I thought the top part was the "just fuck my shit up" hair
>Are you going to go my north Indian indoor Germanic peoples?! Tired of living as Paypigs, for lazy swimming, Antanz Tunisians?! Thanks to your golden hair, were you only allowed to march into Susis Punaniland on New Year's Eve in Cologne?! Do you know how to interpret the grown earlobes of the pandemic patriciate?! Then flow out of your incel cellars!!! Resist!!! Contact info in the thumbnail!!!
What did he mean by this?
verpiss dich von Zig Forums, niemand hier hat Interesse an Spasten wie euch
>Phone screenshot
Never gonna make it
West Berlin was actually kinda poor and rather inconvenient to live. It was a pain in the ass to travel between west Berlin and the rest of west Germany because there were few designated routes and cars could only stop on several rest stops.
East Berlin unironically has more soul
Why plannification doesnt work ?
why soviets starved but had a performant weapon/military/space industrial complex ?
Could a collectivization and a more strategic management of the soils and agricultural exploitation help europe facing the future hyper competitive food market ? (with global warming and chinks wanting to eat real food)
The GDR wasn't a drug cartel capitalist state.
>Why Soviets starved but had a performant weapon/military/space industrial complex?
Because they prioritized the weapon/military/space industrial complex over feeding their citizens, although Soviet citizens themselves were pretty well-feed, it was only in the Stalin days that there were food shortages. When people say the Soviets "starved" past the 1950's what they really mean is that the Soviets didn't have a very varied diet.
>Could a collectivization and a more strategic management of the soils and agricultural exploitation help Europe facing the future hyper competitive food market
Depends who's doing the management. Our current European leaders have proven themselves to be incompetent buffoons, choosing votes and "feel good" policies over what Europe really needs
>When people say the Soviets "starved" past the 1950's what they really mean is that the Soviets didn't have a very varied diet.
I thought it was just zoomer Zig Forumsyps and neoliberal think-tanks doing maymays?
>When people say the Soviets "starved" past the 1950's what they really mean is that the Soviets didn't have a very varied diet.
>dear tavarishch, maybe you can't eat meat, but at least you can replace it with potatoes!
Oh no the horror
Exactly. There was food but there weren't a lot of food options
But I don't think anyone seriously claims there was starvation in the USSR, especially in the 70s/80s, people only say this country had very low quality of life, especially compared to its political aspirations
>But I don't think anyone seriously claims there was starvation in the USSR
>But I don't think anyone seriously claims there was starvation in the USSR, especially in the 70s/80s
Come to the west my friend. We'll educate you well and tell you all about your country
I work at a grocery store and this honestly isn't to far off from how it looks right now due to covid. Also that's far more realistic to what actually gets bought as a product of massively overstocking shelves is we throw away a lot of shit. I work in meat and I'd voucher not even half the shit ever gets bought and we fill 7 huge garbage cans with the bad meat every week and it goes off the incinerator.
I've never heard it from westerners desu
As I said, I meant these post-Stalin times. Holodomor is another thing.
last famine in the USSR was 1946 or 47 I think
they did ensure the most basic needs, but there was no range to select from since everything was centrally planned, even bananas were a rarity I think
Everyone in the States thinks communists had a daily caloric intake of 200 and experienced negative population growth under communism. We are very stupid, but whatever keeps us out of socialism I guess
>can't trade with half the planet due to cold war and american/nato embargoes
>ideology based on combating global imperialism which is where much of the exotic fruits and meats we enjoy come from while thirds worlders slave away to make it
>create a highly self reliant system that supports the people despite all this
So ungrateful. But I'd expect nothing less from a Pole.