why is this?
Why is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
jewish admixture
jews can't grow full beards
they have patchy soy beards
jewish admixture
Culturally meds shaved their beards, so shinlets were wiped out
>cope from an argentinian monkey
They look ok to me, except the fat one
only ashkenazi jews (germanic genes)
no, the others are also patchy
jews are just low-test
I can't grow any facial hair.
Just means I don't need to invest in shaving gear and my skin is sensitive anyways its better this way.
low test
>that lack of chin
>that name
>that avatar
you're just insecure and project your lack of security onto such matters.
no mate, it's literally from testosterone levels
Too much CK II
Bottom is CK2 player Up is EU4/HOI4/VIC2 player
Men who watch too much BBC porn think we’re the least attractive, and women (who’s opinion I actually value) think we’re the most attractive.
Keep seething brown boi
Mouthbreathing as child
Post circumcised cock
that imp is horrible he should be 5 and the black dude forced his place in the middle
someone tweeted this at varg and he called meds jews
Why are m*Doid subhumans like this?
go back to pol dipshit.
That picture is a great example of MED/NORD unity. irl it’s more NORDs and MEDs vs Muslims and BLACKS
i don't trust or like the look of blue eyed people.
my beard disagrees
I dont know but my chin look like the first one and my skink looks like the second one
NORD/MED mix is kino. some of the best looking women with rare eye colours are NORD/MED
You’re just a hater, must be a turko*d nigger
Evil mestizaje!!!
i'm brown and inferiority complexed
>that post
>that flag
>Evil mestizaje!!!
Al chile si, i think if i have the chin of the second one i wouldnt be an incel