/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico


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Other urls found in this thread:


/cum/ is a GVMER safe space

Took another shit on Parliament Hill. How long until Trudeau mentions my hobby, I wonder?

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Kill ALL redcoats

/cvm/ is a GΛMER safe space

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wait the Zig Forums character is real?

>American poster
>Centimeters for height

based pooper

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I'm making that fat faggot pay

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If a woman talks to me without my permission I will not hesitant to slug her in the fucking face

um haha sweetie, are you suggesting that i'm a fake american?


>these used to be american HS students

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I'm suggesting your some mentally disturbed weeb


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When people,even if they are males, tell me I am attractive it makes me feel good about myself and inspires confidence that I can find a gf.

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what in the godfuck is this

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Why are so many /cum/mmers on reddit?

webms with sound should be enable on Zig Forums
also mp4s

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I've been thinking about the rtx 3060 ti

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Hard to imagine anything more gay than skateboarding, aside from frotting.

He must have been a real fag to get bullied that much

>A 'big girl's blouse'
don't get this one


NOOOOOOOOOOO poor wahmen :(((

>the Zig Forums character
i can't fucking believe i just read this

JFK wanted to bring fitness training like that to all high schools in the US. Then LBJ and the CIA killed him.

>I do not know with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but, but I imagine they will be pretty based.

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Ik, imagine a nation of fit americans

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Plagiarist circle.

I don't get it.

cow tools

Yes compliments feel great all around

LOL who is the Zig Forums character thou...

They want us weak

>accepting the lustful opinions of homophiles as fact

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just tried a beer a fellow 4channeler recommended as a superior alternative to one i like and it is worse than the one i like SMDH


I’m going to be hokage

ofc a nation filled with people that are overweight, addicted to fast food, sports and other cheap entertainment and constantly drugged up is easier to control

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If homophiles can feel lust for me, then it is possible girls will feel attraction toward me.

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Basically if a cow made tools they'd be inadequate lmaooo

based snake juice, fat men know theyre fat and gross and need to workout, fat women think theyre 10/10. Fat women in my experience have been more entitled than actually good looking women

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homos usually don't like the same things as maternal instinct girls. girls on birth control mind control like the same things as fags tho


I don't want a girl that has maternal instincts for me, or maybe I do, but not for marriage.

I wonder if stonetoss would ever considering making his own rendition of Cow Tools

yeah fat and ugly women are way harder to deal with than dimes, mentally all fucked up too on top of body problems


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guy looks like he's 6'4, probably could heem the shit out of everyone in this thread unironically

i mean one looking for a father of their children


They don't need to be facts to feel good


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I doubt that, girls don't have gaydar

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look at his height relative to the door, he looks average

Well idk, I think there must be some overlap.

your average door is 6'8", he's 6ft at the very least

so?hes flabby and weak he also deleted his account after people made fun of him, very weak

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I want cookie cake damn

If you were a completely different person in both appearance and character I'd say it would be highly probable that you will get a girlfriend.

Need to avoid being reminded of the existence of sweets. That shit is dangerous

heres your cake bro !!

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>he's 6ft at the very least
even girls are this tall now

so the only reason to get a vasectomy is so you can nut in chicks? kinda dumb imo.
also this

fighting big people is a good way to get thrown to the ground, ik because i've been thrown by a fat bouncers