>girl working as a nail salon assistant in Shanghai, China, makes about $36,000 a year
>she spends about $9,000 on beauty products
>the rent for her flat is about $5,400 a year
Why are modern Chinese such consoomers rather than savers?
>girl working as a nail salon assistant in Shanghai, China, makes about $36,000 a year
>she spends about $9,000 on beauty products
>the rent for her flat is about $5,400 a year
Why are modern Chinese such consoomers rather than savers?
Why does she look like that even after spending so much money on her looks
She looks good, though?
The chinks really are all out copying the American model huh
She basically has no savings other than the Christmas bonuses.
$5400 per year for rent is cheap. My mom makes about $34,000 per year and pays $1300 per month for rent
What's the point in savings when the CCP can take those or kill you at any moment
Because the government is encouraging consumption to transform the economy.
Probably spent it on her African boyfriend
Your mom's apartment is probably a lot bigger. Shanghai apartments aren't that big, and are more expensive than most places in China.
They're just gonna increase immigration
I think they are more inclined to go the Japanese route than the European model.
Dunno mate, there are a lot of Africans there already, tonnes in the universities too
Nah you just have asian fetish
1,300 a month is a good price, is apartment is probably the same size, but shittier
Meh, I don’t see that being indicative of a change in the current immigration policy.
It's not.
Their immigration policy is to allow Africans into the country, just check on baidu about your Chinese guys are pissed about how black guys are dating Chinese girls at university
Oh I don’t doubt that the country has a policy that encourages some forms of visitation. But immigration is not visitation. That’s what I don’t see being changed, where the country actively encourages mass foreigners to settle permanently in the country.
Maybe just in Guangzhou then, but with Africas population rising more of them are gonna be attracted to China
It’s harder to stay in China if you have no visa or residency permits because they are less likely to recognize refugee ‘rights’ and the judicial process is highly centralized. They would probably get deported fairly quickly and Africa is very far from China. Why would they even want to go to China? Europe is closer and has far more benefits and rights.
>unironically engaging with an off topic schizo BBC poster
China gives out a shit tonne of scholarships to them, Africans are the most common international students in China
Visitation is not immigration user. Here in Canada a international student could get a job here and apply for permanent residency which can lead to citizenship. It is not the same in China. They would have to get a residency permit tied to there job. The path to citizenship in China, a right to residency, is stacked against foreigners.
yes,yes, it is the future!
rich, educated people no longer born children! Black young immigrant to china and europe, they born billons kid! local and blcak begin to mix, everyone turned brown, japan will be the only white country! The only solution is to wait for all blacks to get an education. Then civilization move on.
kek he's jealous of the bbc
Reversed mutts law
People save when there is nothing to spend it on, and income is unstable.
People consume when they don't understand that their living situation is inherently unstable, because its just been paycheck to paycheck since they get out of education.
I do wonder if one of the reasons why "upper class people" do better, is that they spend 3-9 years as impoverished students under various loans and shit tier entry level wages, and are aware that there are a lot of periods in the year they can't work properly because the studies takes up too much time.
The mindset do carry over once in stable employment up the social ladder.
>girl working as a nail salon assistant in Shanghai, China, makes about $36,000 a year
she makes more than me as an engineer
There’s a philosophical answer to this question but that is basically how it works when your country has a materialistic view of life and your economy is quickly growing, especially if you want to keep it growing.
Isn't that like 200k-250k NOK? Or €22k-30k
Its not a lot.
>5400 a year
I spend twice as much for rent per year
Because she is a woman. And since there are less females in China than males, she can enjoy consoomerism and men will still have to pick her