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International #1358
Zig Forums, post pics of police cars from your cunt
Why do Americans build houses out of Chipboard?
Have sex sweden
/brit/ - Dat Damn Muddafuggen Coonvirus Edition
Is your country founded on slavery, genocide and imperialism?
/deutsch/ am Morgen
Wake up
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ – /rub/
You WILL take the vaccine
Do people trust science in your country?
What is the most controversial belief you hold?
What do you think about france?
How Do I Stop Being a Racist Piece of Shit?
Why are pretty SEA girls rare ?
Are jews responsible for the ruin of your country too?
You wake up in the russian empire
Pol in a nutshell
/fr/ - Le Francofil
You can't suffer in finland
Why are Chicanos like this?
Turkish architecture firm has designed this...thing in Manhattan
Why does France have so many Jews?
How do people in your country stop the all the constant negative thoughts?
I wish you guys understood how hard white Americans have it
Post Pictures of what You Think the Average X Country Poster Looks Like
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Is this also true in your cunt?
This is why Japan will get a third nuke
Your cunt
/lat/ - hilo latino
Do europeans really believe that becoming communist state was our choice and that Polish People's Republic was ran by...
Why do Asians do this?
Zig Forums accents
Fun fact: no scandi language ever developed a word for the concept of "suffering"
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
I hate hearing european speaking english they always sound so stupid
People in my country use "britain" and "england" interchangeably
Why is it these people are seen as some sort of enemy in america and europe but i can come on here and talk to a...
I don't get it
How'd sweden get away with it?
Post your country's temperature
Hey user you know how to drive manual, right?
When did nationalities stop referring to people who are related to each other and biologically descended from a common...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
The trannie faggot in this image is now the US Secretary of Education
When did your country start going downhill
Christian anons, how do you hide your fleshlight from your parents in your country?
Is it time to reject material posessions?
I am alone and find mild comfort on Zig Forums where i feel like i have a connection to the anons...
Hyper-nationalist despite being an effectively multi-national blob of a country
Sverigetråden - Dansupplagan
So, after all these years, it turns out a filthy GERMAN killed Madeleine McCann...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Do Chinese propaganda accounts REALLY?
What is the city with most SOVL of your country?
*kills your local food chain*
How do we save japanese women?
We from Romance Europe like to mock the Germanics for being filled with immigrants but I just watched a
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
How dangerous is South America?
Epicanthic folds are beautiful on white females but not on asian
Albino Indians
What do ID cards look like in your country?
/lat/ hilo latino
Your cunt
Do you have any question for ICELAND?
Your country
What is the biggest traitor of your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why are they so superior?
Why they are so hot?
Sup incels, what do people in your country call the chinese flu?
Americans: sex with a girl who is 17 years and 364 days is pedophilia
How popular are vtubers in your country?
Who are the biggest Gigastacies in human history?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Itt describe your country with a picture or webm
Are white women goddesses or am I overeating them as a browncel
/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico
/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ITT: We pretend to be americans
PORTVGAL... I knell
1. Your country
Zig Forums hates us because we failed
/ita/ - il filo
Why people don't like nuclear power? it's litterally the best way to go
Brazilian Imperial Family
How's your country doing economically?
Tfw asylum was approved
The virgin white human of indiscernible sex
Are you ready to be genocided?
56% wants to deport this
Which is better?
Which is the holy trinity of soy countries?
16 days left of 2020
Why is he always angry and agressive?
HDI 2020
Would americans trade their mexicans for Europe's arabs?
Germans do WHAT!?
Which european country has the easiest girls?
/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico
Sverigetråden - Självmordsförebyggande upplagan
Spain 2.0
Food from other countries
My name is Tsubasa
From today's march on Rome
Today I found out that in Belgium they speak Dutch
Anti semitism in Europe
Post a pic of your car in your country
Why do people seethe over Iran? I think it's cool
/hurn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Israel is a hot desert med shithole
/V4/ + friends
/fr/ - le francofil
What cheese did you buy today Zig Forums
Why is France doing better than other European countries here? Don't they have the most deaths per capita?
What zero pussy does to a mf
International HP
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /lads/
Afghan user, second thread
Should all white """men""" be required to wear one?
I like Indian women. Why are they so underappreciated? I love the ones with big thin nose...
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Sverigetråden - Hololiveupplagan
Are Interracial couples seen in good light in your country?
Do West Germans feel superior to East Germans?
What is this?
What happens here?
9 hours a day
/CUM/ - Canada, US, Mexico
What sort of problems do people face in the first world?
Most Europeans think Athens should be the capital of the EU
Why is this place such a shithole?
Is this the best region to live in as a man?
The girls in my class keep begging for male genocide ;(
What are your thoughts on Duolinguo?
/dfc/ ehemals /deutsch/
ITT: Your favorite photos of America
How is history taught in your country?
This thread is a direct plea to Hiromoot. PLEASE, for the love of God...
Just imagine
Do you swear a lot Zig Forums ?
I suffer in the northeast
Find your international QT Zig Forums, and then post it and tells us where she is from
China just said they don't want Australian coal, which is worth $26B, any more
/lat/ hilo latino
Who elected this guy Supreme emperor of Earth?
I can't believe you fucking morons waste your life here. Listen, this is your LIFE...
Uyghur chef attacked by racist Turks in Istanbul because he was "too Chinese-looking"
Why are germans not nationalists? do they feel bad for what happened in WW2?
Sverigetråden - Personaupplagan
2 billion people eat bugs every day
We actually won in Vietnam
Why are Arabs in the US so beta compared to Arab in the EU?
/deutsch/ delenda est
you cunt
Are women in your country attractive?
Why do we see so many twisted things & killers coming from a nation that gets spoken about highly as being one of the...
City thread
Why were ancient Mexicans so metal?
This scares and terrifies the mexican
Why are they such cunts?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ also sometimes abbreviated as /rub/
Who else will celebrate Christmas alone/on int this Christmas?
Here's your chinese girlfriend, bro
Bi """men"""
There is nothing more hilarious to me than them being racist to my flag
/fr/ - le francofil
This is how my capital looks like, would u imagine my country like this?
Afghan user
Same geography
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Do Candians like him?
/Dix/ - dixie outherners and friends
/ita/ - il filo
Is prostitution legal in your cunt?
Does your country have a drug problem?
Sverigetråden Ichthyosaursupplagan
How are tourists perceived in your country?
I'm gay but I've never in my life craved BBC
Which city able to say superior than Tokyo?
Kingdom of Greece
Imagine the SEX!
This is how the average Colombian girl looks like, say something nice about it
Britain Thread
Why are they always so horny?
Do Germans like their internal borders? They seem pretty wonky to me...
French people listen to some old dudes (Académie Française) about how they should speak their language
/lang/ - Language learning general
It's so cold I'm dying. how do you get away with coldness in your country?
Japanese serial killer who killed 9 people gets death sentence
Imagine being a mountainfag
Sverigetråden - Fvförmedlingen
/ض/ - Arab General
How is life in Hungary ?
Why is mental illness so common in America?
Question to euros, Do you hate us because your media talks about us nonstop?
International FOOD
What would happen to lgbt if you rose to power in your country?
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
Take the heckin vaccine, chud
How are mandarin and hindi so irrelevant despite having so many speakers?
Does the idea of CANZUK make euros upset?
How can we fix them bros?
Spen and Portugal
Western governments need to understand religion supercedes nation for us
Thoughts on saddam hussien?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What race is this?
Are there many immigrants in Northern Europe?
Indian diaspora is one of the wealthiest groups in the west
Tfw they work hard
Be Palestinian christian
Hairdresser attempts smalltalk with me
Bro I hate the west so much
How's your christmas carp doing?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Bros, how do we solve the gypsy question?
What is your favourite noodle?
Have you ever met a polish person?
America's KD ratio in vietnam was 40:1
What causes this?
/ita/ - il filo
Do non-Anglos listen to music in their own language or in English...
Post music from your country
Reminder that Thais are INDIAN
Your country
ITT: we pretend like we're british
Give it back
Does your cunt have sneks?
The international medicine thread
America Appreciation Thread
Why are all the majority Buddhist nations so poor/ degenertate?
Say at least one thing nice about Croatia or else
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Didn't know Japan still had the death penalty
Sverigetråden - Nysvenska upplagan
The UN will from now on include pollution per capita in it's HDI report...
Is this really a serious concern among Japanese housewives?
Be Poland
There's not a word for "commute" in Spanish
Why is Thailand so rich compared to Indonesia and Malaysia? Is it because they are East Asian?
So this............... is the holiest place in Isl*M....................................... woah...
What have they contributed to humanity?
/ישר/ - /ইসরা/ - /Їꙁд/ - /isr/
Kurva anyátok
What makes third world countries so much more soulful than boring shitholes like Norway or Canada?
Japan’s Hayabusa2 returned with asteroid samples
Wow Turkish women look like THAT?
NoOoo!!Stop the snow!!
I'm starting to worry
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Vaccine in under a year after a novel virus appears
Tell me something about this country
Finally understanding why poles were hated by natzees and commies
Why is Taiwain so beautiful compared to mainland China
A match made in heaven
Do you think your country's taxes are too high or too low?
Should Asians stop succeeding so everyone else can catch up?
What super powers do you want, black bros?
Tell me something I didn't know about your country
This is considered a light mid-day snack in America
You wake up in the United States, 1950
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do Mexicans really hate Jews and Arabs? Why?
Brazilian invention
/lat/ hilo latino
Is this true?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
The China century has been cemented, Zig Forums. It's time to kneel for our yellow overlords
Almost ever english teacher I know here is a degenerate sex fiend
Would you die for your country Zig Forums?
What's it like to have blue eyes?
All amateur vids on pornhub has been purged
Post the Pinochet of your count
What’s the capital of Australia?
Who was the worst leader from your country?
Why they so fat
Rare flags of Zig Forums
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2480
So I just found out that I inherited Romanian citizenship from my parents...
Make 80k a year
Is he officially considered a Martyr Saint by the Christian community?
Ywn be happy not worrying about shit on sentinel island
Sverigetråden - Julmustupplagan
Whats with americans and trucks? whats the appeal?
Imagine yourself 50 years from now and post it
Why are Indigenous Brazilian women so fucking hot bros?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Mexico’s cruelest Sicario was blonde haired and blue eyed
Anyone lived in China before?
Meanwhile in America
What is it like to be an Abo?
Is your keyboard in English?
What are your thoughts on New Jersey?
What do you think about Ireland?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I'm sure there has been a thread about this before but I want to ask anyways. This is not meant to insult...
Why yes, I am American, what gave it away?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Back in the day
I ate a burrito an hour ago and I've been shitting my guts out since then
1. you are Knut?
How high is the sexual tension between these two?
Knives at bars
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - akademiska upplagan
Today Poland shows the world
There are people here whose only accomplishment is being white
I had my feelings hurt on Zig Forums
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Your country
The colonial powers of Europe are the true definition of 'European excellence'...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Oh say can you see
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Hilo /lat/ino
You have to live in one Dutch region for the rest of your life and are never allowed to cross it's borders or move away...
Um... Australia bros...?
The EU is refusing to agree on any post brexit deal unless we allow them to keep stealing our fish
Do the French owe Anglos reparations?
Your country
Your cunt
Does this happen in your country?
Sverigetråden - Svart Hök Nere upplagan
Zig Forums BTFO
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Americans will blindly defend their way of doing things NO MATTER WHAT
Are Danish women the most attractive in Europe?
1. your countr
Dream house thread
/ita/ - il filo
Do mexicans actually care about the territory they lost to us? here chicanos eternally seethe about it
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + Polsk
How come Italy can't make a video game? Are Italians dumber than polacks?
Why are Americans so fucking retarded?
"What is a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant...
Are you finnish?
Do you eat eggs in your country?
Does this happen in your cunt?
Do you get help helpers in your country?
SOVL or nah?
Does your country have a German minority?
Sverigetråden - Veckans Djursholmsupplaga
Why dont you come to 5chan
/mena/ Middle East North Africa General
Are women in your cuntry attractive?
Here's your American gf bro
Why do so many asians dye their hair?
The biggest video platform in the world had 85% of its content removed
Take this quiz - you have to move to the city you get. How do you feel about your new move?
This is arguably, the best anti-war movie ever
/fr/ - le francofil
Kurva anyátok
/balk/ aka /c4/
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ also abbreviated as /rub/
Does Zig Forums have any pets? This is my dog :)
1. country
Does this happen in your country?
You wake up in Sweden
Do you have a fireplace Zig Forums?
I suffer in russia
Come to Brazil
/ita/ - il filo
See interesting picture
Would your family accept you for dating a hapa girl?
I suffer in Germany
The Jewish Republic of New Israel
Your country
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Tell me ( burgers) what is the best state(s) according to you and during which season it's the best time to go
*40% of threads with Finland in its subject are created by Finns
What are your honest thoughts about this country? Any personal experiences?
I can't think of a single race, nation or ethnicity that arabs didn't thoroughly BTFO
Why does Japan hate proper heating system?
/esp/ hilo muerto edition
My Chinese girlfriend microwaves her tea
Based or cringe?
Just saw a poster from these islands
Are you happy with your life Zig Forums?
Thousands of Americans have died fighting for the free world
Why are European studios so unprofessional compared to American and Japanese studios, Eurobros?
Let's be real for a sec
There’s literally services for Black female incels to find love in Italy
Drug trafficking gang caught in my local neighbourhood
Rich countries will get access to coronavirus vaccines first - for poorer ones...
/lat/ hilo latino
Why is incest between cousins considered normal in some countries?
Solar eclipse edition
Where in England should you live Zig Forums?
Girl working as a nail salon assistant in Shanghai, China, makes about $36,000 a year
/ض/ - arab general
Are they more Indian or more Chinese?
Which Scandinavian country is right for you Zig Forums?
/christmond/ ehemals /deutsch/
I have never heard a French song
The Shibuya River... SOVL
To all persian diaspora...
How do you say "brother, may I have some oats?" In your language?
Dutch women
Sverigetråden - Lapplandsutgåvan
I ain't got time for Spanish thots(male)
Be white dude in India
This is considered to be a beautiful city in Finland
Sverigetråden - Kroppsviktsupplagan
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine