Do you get help helpers in your country?

Do you get help helpers in your country?

My psychiatrist wants me to apply for home help, which means a 19 year old psychology student will come to my home and help me clean up two times a week. I don't know if I should accept or not, feels a bit degrading

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someone get that cat down from there

fuck kommuner og deres mærkelig påfund
havde engang en støtteperson som kom en gang om ugen for at tage mig på mcdonalds og snakke om de mest ligegyldige ting

have you tried not being retarded?

Varför gå till McDonalds? Bara för att få sällskap eller?

altså han spurgte hvad jeg vil lave så jeg sagde bare at vi kunne tage ud og spise et sted så som mcdonalds

>feels a bit degrading
Less degrading than living in your own filth. I wish we had those kind of programs here. You should apply.

Ffs imagine suffering in Sweden

>My psychiatrist wants me to apply for home help
Vad i helvete, hur illa ställt är det egentligen?
>which means a 19 year old psychology student will come to my home and help me clean up two times a week
Det låter väl inte så dåligt? Du får lite sällskap och så ser det bättre ut hemma.

Ah. Var det trevligt?
"My own filth" sounds like I'm shitting on the floor and rolling around in it, it's not THAT bad