I'm sure there has been a thread about this before but I want to ask anyways. This is not meant to insult...

I'm sure there has been a thread about this before but I want to ask anyways. This is not meant to insult, I'm just genuinely curious.

This is directed at Japanese people:

What is the average Japanese person's opinion of WWII?
What is your personal opinion of WWII?
What are you taught about it in school?
What is your opinion of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Do you still believe that the emperor is divine and would modern Japanese be willing to die for him?
How does it feel to live in the only nation to have been nuked offensively and how does that affect your culture and attitudes towards war and nuclear weapons?

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Other urls found in this thread:


japs aren't taught about ww2


>Guys! I told someone to go back to r*ddit! Does that mean I'm not a newfag anymore!!?!

Funny how people who are actually from r*ddit are the ones trying to prove so hard that they aren't...

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This. Shinzo lost his shit trying to censor McGrawHill

I'm Japanese but I've been raised abroad as my Japanese parents live here. I still know Japan the Japanese very well, so I'll answer for you.

Most Japanese people don't have an opinion of WW2, apart from "war is bad peace is good". My personal opinion doesn't differ much from that.

They're taught about major battles, when Japan was winning, and then losing, etc. Not true that they aren't taught anything.

My opinion about the atomic bombing is that it's a crime against humanity, as it was directed towards civilians and a weapon which has lasting effect on the people and environment has been used. Japan didn't attack American civilians, only military targets.

The Emperor for me is like the pope for catholics, it doesn't have any effective power.
I wouldn't die for the Emperor and I'm sure he'd never expect anyone to die for him. This is what makes him great.

I am strongly against war and nuclear weapons, and wish we could all live in peace. I hope Japan will be neutral in the upcoming WW3.

You have summoned the schizo poster. Await for his arrival

Interesting. Do you think it would have been more humane to do a naval blockade and traditional bombing campaign until the Japanese surrendered or to do a land invasion? In either scenario more people would have died than dropping the nukes. It's like the trolley problem.

And I think I should point out that the reason the Japanese didn't attack civilian targets is because they really couldn't. They did try though, for example with the incendiary balloons they tried to send across the Pacific in order to set West Coast forests on fire.


Idk why you don't realise that the japs were already going to surrender
>n-no they would've kept fighting for muh emperor
No lol, you think they'd have been bloodthirsty religious fanatics one day and then boom "oh sorry america kun, we surrender"? This isn't anime
A mainland soviet invasion was the worst case scenario for japan, not an american one
You might find it hard to grasp but Japan was much more afraid of the soviets and wanted to surrender to the americans in order to be spared soviet occupation not because you dropped nukes on random civilians
Hardliners were never going to surrender regardless of how many nukes you dropped on innocent people and the emperor had to make a choice, and he would've made the right one without the nukes

most of Japanese know Japan fought for world peace.
for liberty of Asian countries,
for make peaceful society, Japan gave citizenship to any Asian people.
for prevent to spread evil communism to the world.
made Korean more modern country and gave them normal citizenship.

Japan did nothing wrong.

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I know about that but consider this. Dropping the nukes on the Japanese forced their hand in surrendering to the US rather than the Soviets. The Soviets were planning their invasion to start about a week after the bombs were dropped. Of course the US wanted Japan to surrender to them and not to the Soviets and there were certainly selfish reasons involved in the decision but what do you think was better in the long run? A Soviet controlled Japan like in Korea. Maybe with a North and South Japan. Or was it better for the Japanese to loose LESS people than they would have lost during a Soviet invasion, Stay unified, keep their Emperor which was their main condition of surrender anyways and go on to become one of the most prosperous nations in the world. Doesn't matter if it was a Soviet or US invasion. The Japanese were going to lose more people than the nukes would have caused and the Soviets would have gone much harder on the Japanese than the Americans would have. You think they would have settled with just taking back Manchuria?

only because Japan committed war crimes, it doesn't justify the bombs (war crimes) being used in retaliation.

I'm gonna be honest, we're never gonna get anywhere moralising the nukes by talking about alternate history.
There's as many ways to view this from as there are people involved, so we should say that it was a terrible thing that happened to the victims and leave it at that. Fantasising how they'd have been raped by Russians instead doesn't make the nukes less horrible.

I was thinking the same thing to be honest.

think about it.

what's happened after Japan control.
Chinese cultural evolution.
Korean war.
Cambodia porpoto Massacre.
Vietnam war.

Japan did nothing wrong.

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>A mainland soviet invasion was the worst case scenario for japan, not an american one
That's a fucking meme. Explain how the Soviets could invade mainland Japan.
In the Emperor's broadcast, he explicitly cites the bomb as a major reason for surrender. He doesn't once cite the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, and only lists them with the other major allied nations, which included China and the UK.
>Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization.
The Soviets were not an urgent threat compared to American invasion, when American planes were firebombing and nuking cities.

Korean lived very peaceful more than Japan, because they didn't go to the battle field, and they live as a Japanese.

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Okay user. I am really jap as feeble mind of the lowest grade, so I didn't take education at all in here.
But I hate Nip and there are terrible situation like north Korea in Japan long time ago, certainly Jap was the one at fault for it.
Now we can live without affect of daily life unless I made a dumbest shit.
In my opinion, I have USA thank for dropping nuke, we're living with comfortable now.
And there average people doesn't care about WW2 in JP excepting old shits.
But ordinary people believe the war and offence is sucks, some might be increasing their hatred by inheritance.

korean go home, you can't talk without lie.

The nukes had absolutely no impact whatsoever on the decision to surrender

I watched man behind the sun. Sick shit.

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You probably don't know that the conventional bombing of Tokyo killed more people than the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The shipyards of Mitsubishi and Ishikawajima Harima are very conveniently located near Nagasaki and Hiroshima, but your government decided to bomb civilians instead of arms factories.

Anyway, as Australian user already said, the surrender was already to happen in a matter of weeks if not days.
They would've never surrendered to the soviet as part of the reason part of the Japanese elite pushed for an attack on Pearl Harbor and a country which produced 10 times more steel and was 20 years ahead in development and technology, was that they thought they could gain more power with the help of Americans after the war and that's exactly what happened.
Japan is a very insular society and the elite don't seem to be able to see the bigger picture of what happens in the rest of the world. They're not nationalistic at all as for them Japan is the only country to have ever existed. Many centuries ago in order to fight each other they tried to use the Portuguese, Christianity, the Dutch, modernization, etc. They even sent thousands of samurais to Korea to die there in the late 16th century to have more power and no competition at home.
This is the kind of people who rule over Japan.

Here's a (You), Davido.

lol all the responses to that were people disagreeing with him mate

By 1945 Japan was willing to enter peace talks with the US. They were willing to sign an peace treaty in which the Emperor would remain head of state and Japan would keep the territory it acquired before the war (Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria). This would have ended the war without the use of nukes and further bloodshed, however America was obsessed with forcing Japan into "unconditional surrender," even if it meant killing hundreds of thousands of civilians

Chink propaganda film

but we all know japan invaded let ccp grew strong.

Tell us about Nanjing


Idk, why don't you produce evidence?

>What is the average Japanese person's opinion of WWII?
Sucks that we lost.
Military shouldn't have been expansionist.
We are peaceful now, war brings lots of damage.
That's the general thoughts.