Bi """men"""

>bi """men"""

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Nigga i don't even have sex lmao

i like both pussy and dick, its weird

>tfw bi
>love being dommed by both women and men

this board has made me hate gay people, unironically

i just wanna have intimate contact with both men and women, when i want and how i want

I am unironically bisexual. I've had sex with different girls but I haven't even kissed a boy. I like maybe 30% of girls ans 5% of boys. Does this happen in your country?

>mongolian basket weaving forum influencing your opinion on anything

No such thing as a bisexual. Bisexual men are simply gays that sometimes like pussy for the variety. Bisexual women is a tautology. Seeing as all women are bisexual, you can test this. Ask any relatively normal female your age if she has ever kissed a female friend. 100% chance that they have.
