>*jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair*
scousers rule this thread.
Hate graduate students with a passion
Just because you've got a phd in some incredibly niche subject does not make you an authority on everything, if anything it makes you worse because you've just had tunnel vision for the past 3 years
fell down the stairs just now
>Liverpool isn't that bad, scallies are only 1 in 50
Great Britain cries out for socialism.
I like big black qveen ass
big DA from me
I've a Phd in shagging your nan
is your virginity still intact?
Cries out for open pubs, more like it
don't think i'll ever like clogwog
just putting it out there cause there's really fuck all i can do about it otherwise
Putting my feet up after a hard day of toil de lads
rip in peace king
is being fat even a big deal any more?
it doesn't bar you from anything, legally or in practice, and there's enough fat people that it shouldn't cause any significant impact to your esteem
No you don't, stop telling lies
I'll forward your complaint to your mum after I've shagged her mouth again tonight
That's normal in any working class northern estate
Don't tell me you're a middle class soft lad, you sound like it.
ahh yes the british thread
Rest assured no capitalist will be allowed to close working class pubs in a socialist Britain.
Upper management Deano plays Football Manager while forklift Deano plays FIFA. We are not the same.
imagine what kind of world we'd live in if they'd just moved on
brain's going mental not sure i'll be able to sleep tonight
>soupy paella
what the fuck?
she's right and you're wrong you FREAK
>smokes in his room
>grey socks, green sweats
>clipper lighter
>feet on desk
Absolute filth, your room must smell like shit and summer ballsack
those nights are grim
At least there's no Spaniard, Saffer or Hong Mong yet this evening
phoneposting and the adverts at the bottom of the page are making my willy hard again
grim runt
normal working class cities and towns have harmless chavs who live in the center smoking rollies and being angsty with one and another
Liverpool scallies unironically take pride in being thieving scum and no other city has this culture
190 on a proxy
>hong mong
larps as a woman
/balk/, /brit/
same stuff for me. atleast you're more talkative and less schizo than balkanimals right now
dont care virgin
hello my british ancestors :)
Rorke yelling over the experts on the Coronavirus doc on BBC1 with his own take sourced from random nobodies from Facebook, Zig Forums and YouTube
balkaniggers arent human bro romania is anglo
This means replacing what in fact is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie (a dictatorship hypocritically cloaked in the forms of the democratic bourgeois republic) by the dictatorship of the proletariat. This means replacing democracy for the rich by democracy for the poor. This means replacing freedom of assembly and the press for the minority, for the exploiters, by freedom of assembly and the press for the majority of the population, for the working people. This means a gigantic, world historic extension of democracy, its transformation from falsehood into truth, the liberation of humanity from the shackles of capital, which distorts and truncates any, even the most "democratic" and republican, bourgeois democracy. This means replacing the bourgeois state with the proletarian state, a replacement that is the sole way the state can eventually wither away altogether.
must say this album is not an improvement from their first one
The Spaniard has been banned and is now posting under a UK flag again
rorke quotes simon dolan twitter posts and passes them off as his own
Any James Felton man in??
any balding man in?
more like james smellton amirite
today I'll remind them
>deano taking a picture in his full suit and tie for the league cup final match in his football manager save
oi oi
rorkette going full schizo
Wonder what gifts toilberg's wife and kids will be getting this Christmas
Reckon the value will be quadruple my monthly wage