Anyone lived in China before?

Long story short I have a friend who's set me up with a great job (4k/month, free apartment, 30 hours/week, legal visa) teaching English. Only catch is that it's in China. Anybody have any idea how a wh*toid will fare? Don't want to end up in a liveleak video.

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I'm 6'3 and semi-fit too? Have I won life???

Practice your squats before it's too late


Attached: squat_toilet_shanghai.jpg (1536x2048, 198.87K)

Go for it.
Fuck china tho.

I want to do a trip around every major Chinese region, like all the cities and landmarks in the south (around Burma), Shanghai, Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, and Manchuria
Not scared of Chinese people but I am afraid of taking escalators and crossing the road

oh Christ that looks uncomfortable
Yea gonna get that $. More excited about only working 30 hours per week though.
are whities even allowed to go to Tiber/Xinjiang? That does sound fun though.

I’m Moroccan, but racially ambiguous apparently as most ignorant people think I’m Mexican, Brazilian, Persian, Indian, even got called Ethiopian once.
But yeah it would be cool to take a tour of the nation