What the fuck goes on there?
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Snowflake province if there ever was one, I think Anglo Canada would tell them to fuck off if not for losing strategic access to the Maritime provinces and the Atlantic as a whole.
Maple syrup farming.
I don't know why Quebec never tried rebelling against the British and joining the US as a state.
we did
We invited them to join the revolution, but they didn't want to since Britain had recently passed some reforms that gave them a pretty good deal.
good thing honestly, we would not have been able to keep our culture alive there at all
About the same as everywhere else. Come visit after covid to see for yourself maybe?
Americans were not too keen on French catholics and did not want to upset the British back then.
oh yeah, they really would like us to fuck off, so much that the federal police sabotaged and infiltrated every separatist movements that ever existed, they really don't care about controlling us
having a culture and shit idk
The most powerful and dangerous Hells Angel's in the world
mom boucher caliss
these guys are pretty big in BC too. They work with the chinese gangs
cool shit desu
They were communists
They blew up a police station in sudbury
They can't risk losing you because of your location, it'd tear Canada apart, if you were in a more peripheral location they probably wouldn't care as much and just save themselves the trouble of subsidizing the biggest recipient of federal bucks in the country.
>tfw most of these are barely literate boomers
embarassing, our culture is going to die
Boomers literally ruined Quebec with their social-democracy and atheism shit. Good riddance.
they are the police station in Terrace
They're busy being the best province in this shit country
province est temporaire, on vise le pays
That's where 97% of our culture can be found, the remaining 3% being in the Maritimes
Why are 1970's Vietnam refugees so basé?
That’s like saying join diarrhea instead of shit
Fucking hilarious politician you have to admit his speeches where pretty based
French kings take Albertan cash and women
Americans helped bring down new france and replaced the french/metis settlements for africans
Alberta is a welfare shithole, wasted trips.
>Alberta ‘’women’’
So either a neo nazi Ukrainian women or some fat hick ‘’’’women’’’’ missing teeth
>a dozen of communist faggots instantly makes a region completely communist
I know this place has been brainwashed by lefty sjw garbage in the last half-century, but it ain't communist by any metric.
Quebec must be placated or they will murder all Anglos. You must mine harder to save Canada
They speak French, but in an ugly way.
Because they would have lost their language and religious rights?
>or they will murder all Anglos.
And what exactly is wrong with this.
>no French Métis gf
I was watching the French news from France and their weather lady or whatever looks Métis. Cute girl I thought. I’m a bit of a sucker for these swarthier French girls.
Not necessarily the accent is so varied throughout the place.