Cunt looks like a Sith lord and he wants me to eat bugs while owning nothing and being happy.
I don't like him.
Who elected this guy Supreme emperor of Earth?
Other urls found in this thread:
I read his book. This mf’er is straight up evil.
>those robes
Straight up Sith Lord vibes there is nothing else that can be imitating
It’s not a LARP. This is literally what they’re doing and they’ve been transparent about it. The goal is to create a syncretist earth-based new age religion that aligns with these institutions like the WEF, Davos, and the Royal Society. They’ve even been clear about how using aliens to undermine traditional Western religion can make that happen and how the Kalergi plan, which was presented to the Royal Society back in the 1930s can also make it happen. This is where all the transhumanism, AI, all this stuff comes from. It’s very clear, cut and dry in their books.
>using aliens to undermine traditional Western religion
I never understood why people think finding aliens should have any baring on religion. Say we find some and they don't share any of our religions how is that any different than when we first went to new continents and the natives didn't have the same religions.
He only wears those robes when talking to his subordinates, people like the Zuckerbot.
He is the leader of the World Economic Forum.
It will be kino when aliens come here and they are buddhist.