Who elected this guy Supreme emperor of Earth?

Cunt looks like a Sith lord and he wants me to eat bugs while owning nothing and being happy.
I don't like him.

Attached: Klaus.jpg (1067x1238, 272.44K)

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I read his book. This mf’er is straight up evil.

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>those robes

Straight up Sith Lord vibes there is nothing else that can be imitating

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It’s not a LARP. This is literally what they’re doing and they’ve been transparent about it. The goal is to create a syncretist earth-based new age religion that aligns with these institutions like the WEF, Davos, and the Royal Society. They’ve even been clear about how using aliens to undermine traditional Western religion can make that happen and how the Kalergi plan, which was presented to the Royal Society back in the 1930s can also make it happen. This is where all the transhumanism, AI, all this stuff comes from. It’s very clear, cut and dry in their books.

>using aliens to undermine traditional Western religion
I never understood why people think finding aliens should have any baring on religion. Say we find some and they don't share any of our religions how is that any different than when we first went to new continents and the natives didn't have the same religions.

He only wears those robes when talking to his subordinates, people like the Zuckerbot.
He is the leader of the World Economic Forum.

Attached: Klaus god king.jpg (904x500, 100.42K)

It will be kino when aliens come here and they are buddhist.


yfw they come Christian

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Look at the comments on their youtube videos are normies becoming based?

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>tfw first contact is made with Muslim Aliens coming to Earth to do hajj

Nigga looks like a turtle version of Palpatine

>tfw aliens are black Kangz that come to enlave white people

Attached: Kang-Pepe.png (630x394, 316.91K)

Literally who
/x/ has been panicking about this dude for weeks and I still don't know who he is

>The goal is to create a syncretist earth-based new age religion that aligns with these institutions like the WEF, Davos, and the Royal Society.
seems that was the case in the 90s then they dropped it
>and how the Kalergi plan, which was presented to the Royal Society back in the 1930s can also make it happen
that it was presented, doesnt mean they follow it

This isn't necessarily a belief of mine, but a friend of a friend once said to me that "G*rmans are a threat to humanity and need to be wiped out"

Guy runs the world economic forum, they have decided that you will own nothing, you will eat bugs, you will be carbon neutral and you will be happy :)
all by 2030

German economist, he created the World Economic Forum, he wants us to live in pods and eat bugs so we can save the environment or something

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>they have decided
they don't have power to decide anything

OH NONONON, do firstoids really?


we need a communist revolution so bad

You vill own nussing.
You vill eat ze bugs.
You vill live in ze pod.
You vill take ze hormones.
You vill obey.
And you VILL be happy.

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sounds great, can`t wait to get schwabbed

The idea is that the “discovery of aliens” can be used as sort of prophets of the new age specially one that follows a sort of earth-cosmos model. There’s no traditional religion which maintains either that or that big eyed aliens exist. If people think that, they’ve watched too much Ancient Aliens. I mean certain religions have a baring on religion also.

They did though.

Sorry, I read books. You may want to try it, however.

Yeah mate?
Meet me in the bunnings carpark ya poofta looking cunt, We will see who is eating the bugs when i am done with ya

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You will play cyberpunk2077
and you will be happy!

Aussie-sama, we kneel

So we are going back to serfdom?

That’s wrong. It’s a racialist viewpoint which is really the other side of the Klaus Shwab coin. It is true though that there have been Germans at the heart of the very major subversive movement towards this new world order since ancient times.

worse since most people won't even have a job

doesnt even make sense. the elites main possesions only have value in the current economic system.

Worse since that would imply any sort of hierarchy or caste system at all. In reality, you’ll be reduced to a level below capital and labor. Instead of your wealth, you’ll be measured by social capital, or rather what sort of “work” you spend your time on and specially according to how well it measures up to what the undercurrents that motivate Klaus Shwab want you to do.

>They did though.
how do you know

You WILL eat the bugs

So ya fukken should ya toothless cunts on your little incest island.
Whoopdifukkendoo? so you bath with your sister mate.
How is this intimidating the French?
They do that and record it.
For fucking shame.

well it will be the same system, just with even worse conditions for the common man

Sorry, bud but God isn’t making any more land and that’s going to be the case regardless which economic system you’re in.

It’s self evident. Exactly what they said should happen, did happen. How do I know that it happened? Well, I look at history and I pay attention.

Based St. Francis already called animals brothers.
> It was not only sentient creatures whom Saint Francis addressed as his sisters: the sun, the moon, wind, fire, all were brothers and sisters to him.
Aliens can be Christian, ngl.
>His contemporaries described him as taking "inward and outward delight in almost every creature, and when he handled or looked at them his spirit seemed to be in heaven rather than on earth."

You're walking down a dark alleyway at 12 AM and Klaus steps out in front of you and says this. What do?

Fucking Germans, I swear to God

Attached: Klaus and Hilde Schwab's wedding, 1971.jpg (1800x1217, 396.53K)

Very un-nuanced view. Read Dante.

her pointy chin looks Iberian

>that jaw
I wouldn't eat her bugs

Habsburg lineage

they look creepier now

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what exactly, immigration? that doesnt mean the whole "plan" is going on (which, i think wasnt an actual plan but more his idea of what might happen)

shit my pants

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he was compensating for his lack of a chin, lmao


Is this man a Zig Forums incel that got married?