The colonial powers of Europe are the true definition of 'European excellence'...

The colonial powers of Europe are the true definition of 'European excellence', every other country is just piggybacking off the success of the highlighted countries from a so called 'European identity'

The highlighted countries all made significant contributions to Europe dominating the 4 corners of the globe between the 17th and 20th century

We achieved great things that defined the basic fabric of the world today whilst many of the other countries sat at home in their wooden huts doing nothing.

Attached: colonial powers of europe.jpg (1370x1244, 197.09K)

>Achieving anything impactful

I doubt it.

Why are you forgetting Germany?

We wuz kangz nigga

they contributed a bit in the late 19th after unification but they were too late for the exploration and initial colonial period

>Be british
>Be unable to hold White European land like your continental superiors
>Cope by going after brown thirdies
>Only successful colony cucks and vassalizes you

mad how you only had 1 colony but still managed to commit more war crimes in congo than we did in our entire empire put together

Attached: congo hands.jpg (400x506, 53.81K)

spanish and portuguese were often the first europeans to reach a lot of the new world
britain was rarely the first there but often the first to establish themselves there

and now you're being reverse colonized by pakis and have been culturally colonized by amis

Attached: 1592388439175.png (1270x817, 619.3K)


yeah. Those two concepts do not mix up really that well.

>britain has non white immigrants because of our empire
>pakis and indians may be culturally different but there is still similarity because they were ruled by britain for 200 years

>germany had no empire
>invites random refugees in for no reason

shut up you continental mong, you're connected to them so you're all the same to us

we're an island but even the most retarded brexiteer doesn't think we're 'not european'

brits on Zig Forums constantly claim to be non-european

What war crime? Cutting off hands was already normal then and it still happens today.

I mean, you can say whatever the heck you want, but we do not include ourselves in this whole european thingy and I mean it. When we talk about Europe we always do it in third person , Los europeos (The europeans). You might be an island but we are not connected to the mainland, there is a big ass mountain between us and the continent.

Holy shit that's gotta be a record for the one of the most retarded things I've read ok Zig Forums.

banter to trigger continentals innit
i'm a remainer but i larp as a retarded extreme brexiteer to trigger continentals
you are more european than eastern european shitholes regardless if you have a slightly darker shade of skin
spain and portugal played a huge part in european global colonisation, the slavs were at home doing nothing

the british empire wouldn't have been possible without iberians discovering the places first

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banter is bong speech for cope innit

Why are we on this map

he uses this term to identify himself, no one else says it

it's a seething german autist freak that is obsessed with britain, he spends 6 hours a day posting in /brit/ about how americanised we are

Nice larp.

there is no possible combination of words i can type to make you understand what banter is

it's just a british thing innit, you continentals will never get it

A true sign of success is having so many covid deaths

yes it is
>it's banter when we do it but seethe when you do


So, you are gonna tell me about my own country? do you even know spanish to know what It is really going on in the country?

Fact, Most Spaniards see europe as something foreigner, whether you like it or not, that is the case.
>you are european cuz colonization

I do not think that is how this works out.


Why do you take it to heart mate?

Venga, macarrĂ³n, ven a decirme que es un larp. A ver si os dan ya por culo, jodida escoria europea.

>haha we were just pretending to be retarded awful posters XD

Actually you're not. The 0.084 refers to France's 8,43%. The scale on the lower left just happens to supperimpose on Morocco. Also notice the cut 0 on the left.

I'm sure it's true, it's just absolutely retarded and makes no sense. Chinese and Russian and Iranian culture can be seen as different from European, not Spanish LMAO

Not iberians themselves, but their slave indians

The world was flooded with silver coins with the Potosi mine production and it was cructial for establishing the world wide financial net that spans the whole globe to this day

>slavs were at home doing nothing
russians colonized america (and half of asia) too you dumb fuck baiting shit
south slavs were fighting ottomans for 500 years

it's easy when you face the fuckin' ocean

gg Netherlands I guess

He's right, we see Europe as an external identity. Remember that due the islamic invasion and afterwards with the colonies we paid little attention to Europe with the exception of the wars of religion that were a pain in the ass.

I would say russian culture is much more European lmao.

>slave indians
No such thing, you must have mistaken it by the aztec empire, whose aristocrats where given nobility rights by the spaniards.

russians did a bit but poland's history is so fucking pathetic

i don't know how anyone can have respect for that country

Inmigrants shouldn't be allowed to use the flag of the country they are in.
This is embarrasing.

no it's not be quiet
you are european my brother :)

Attached: similarity to england.png (4592x3196, 1.06M)