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which one of you is going sperg mode on slono? lol
>It’s worth noting that the sex robot industry is still in its infancy, so to speak. The most advanced devices are basically sex dolls with a wider repertoire of responses. But with the dramatic advance of artificial intelligence, sex with robots — and the complications that come with that — may not seem so much like science fiction in five years’ time.
>And speaking of science fiction, it may not be all that much longer before we have to consider how the robot feels about all this. Seattle-area science-fiction author Ted Chiang addressed the sex-robot question in a novella titled “The Lifecycle of Software Objects,” and talked about the topic of robotic rights more generally in the latest episode of my Fiction Science podcast.
>“What science fiction usually wants from AI, from these conscious machines, is actually not exactly a butler, but a slave,” he said. “We want someone who is competent and obedient, and to whom we owe nothing.”
>Will we think of sex robots as loving companions in our old age, or as sex slaves? That sounds like a subject that ethicists could be debating until at least 2050.
what will be the consequences of the sexbotocalypse, /balk/?
Anyone here play Darkwood?
Is it any good?
Because beheading is more personal, violent and fucked up than just shooting him, not to mention the playing around with the head after part.
And it's a whole squad (i actually might be wrong, but nevertheless it's multiple people) doing it, laughing and filming it, not just one mental patient
Just as a normal human being you find it difficult to watch, much less putting yourself in their shoes and feeling up someone's throat
The abolition of women.
Slon, you know what Azerbaidjan and Hungary have in common? Both never had an empire and came to be in the early 20th century.
I want time to move faster
How the fuck is this making me nauseas
>and came to be in the early 20th century.
Did you legit fail your elementary school history classes?
the author of the article is fucking retarded. He is conflating the creating of more advanced sex bots (5-10 years) with the creating of Artificial General Intelligence (median estimate 2068, but probably later). I don't give a shit about sex bots, and the AGI will be prohibitively expensive and thus won't be used for a sex toy for a long long time.
That was the first mistake. The second mistake is assuming there is a clear delineation of sentience. The third mistake is focusing on sex bots for whatever fucking reason when if we have THAT technology, we're gonna have so much more important shit going on. It's like newton telling you he invented calculus and you asking "how will this affect boobs?"
I dont count your half a millennia vassalship under Austria.
>tfw no tibetan gf
Well yeah he's right. Modern day Hungary came to be in like 1989 i think.
ah, it's vute
I've never heard this even from the most pessimistic about agi
leave to channers to be fucking retarded
agi is approaching and will be here by what, 2035 tops?
chinese computers are already chimping the fuck out doing shit that was impossible two years ago
who cares about sentience nigger
>how will this affect boobs?
maths get you money
money gets you bitches
therefore calculus = boobs
The future seems scary yet interesting
He said:
>early 20th century
Also no one mentioned modern Hungary. Besides, same could be said about Tataria, then. He never brought up historical continuity anyway.
user, ever heard of the Kingdom of Hungary?
this fat ogre manlet overhears you talking to your girlfriend about turkish war crimes and comes over to tell you how cringe you are
wat do?
No. 2050 is the earliest possible.
>who cares about sentience
The liberal zeitgeist starving for anything to fight for.
Well Bulgaria was created in the early 90's and Bosnia in 95'. That's how it works i think. Some monarchy centuries ago is kind of different from a modern nation state.
Seething :)
Hows Bosnia doing, what are young people in Bosnia trying to get jobs in?
shieet, new sloncho, or just rly old?
you didn't answer what you would do
2050 is for sgi
I cannot wait till I kill myself
2050 is for Xbox 33.
>local scumbags have stacked on ps5 and sell them online for 2.5 its store price
This is why Bulgaria cant have nice things
HEEM him in a millisecond, ez, now tell
>Hows Bosnia doing
Badly. People will pretend like everything is ok but there's just no future here. I know motherfuckers in their late 20's and early 30's that have worked jobs for years yet were never registered as employed so they have barely any hope for a pension.
>what are young people in Bosnia trying to get jobs in?
If they are educated they go for IT, law, medicine and all that classic stuff. Most people either work some shitty job or try to go abroad.
just don't be a high time preference negroid
weak bait
I mean sure, in terms of historical continuity. Hungary that I live in came to be after the fall of gommunism. But he's not explicitly talking about modern Hungary. All I'm saying is that Hungarians didn't have a state for the first time in the early 20th century, which is what he was trying to convey by comparing Hungary with Azerbaijan.
>This is the guy that calls Balkan people subhuman
Sad desu
I'm not him
Otvori olx.bg
make a more humorous reply
i didn't go through the trouble of finding the image to make a set up for a joke and get nothing
I'd feed him peanuts and tell him to stop cringeposting
It's a new one i think, might be wrong, can't keep up desu
>be analbanian singress in greece
>take dna test to prove your PJURE ALXHBANJIAN ORIXHINS
>youre 70% greek
Hungary and Azerbaidjan have the same historical weight, that's why you like them, you can relate to them.
>Otvori olx.bg
my point is they did this literally everywhere not just here
ah old, okay
not good enough
try harder
>ah old, okay
didn't say that
You're not even trying at this point.
that phrase don't work that way
Can't wait for TUStis to try to prove he's not Albaboon.
She should be thankful
Also dear god what the fuck are these creatures
I will not give you a (you) you fucking spastic.
>In 2018, 352 researchers who published at top machine learning journals (ICML and NeurIPS) were surveyed about their beliefs about AI progress.
>median prediction: Jul 2, 2063
Go fuck yourself. And that is not even for AGI, it's for performing predetermined tasks that are a subset of AGI, you dumb shit. I'd tell you to read the fucking paper, but you probably can't read that well.
Wonder how much Turk or Gyp I have in my blood
A lot of my ancestors were blond and blue eyed, but my grandmothers side was pretty swarthy
>that feel when you forgot to jerk off for 2 days and you know it will be slightly more pleasurable than usual
I should do that test too.
It doesnt matter it matters solely as what you identify and as what 2-3 generations prior to you identified. At some point the forefathers of all of us were something completely different, so why go back in time.
fumes are off the chart tonight
average white europeans
Friendly reminder that your country is gay if it didn't have a standing army in the Middle Ages.
Janissaries, Compagnies d'ordonnance and based (NAGY) FEKETE SEREG are the only real Chads.
I've thought about that too
Will be a fun time when all of our descendants are "Europeans" or just "Human" and we cringe at them
Anyone here ever went to Auschwitz or smth? Still mad I was sick when my school class went some years ago. Whilst I'm very interested in seeing it first hand I just cant take money in my hand to go to the middle of fucking Poland.
favorite bald video???
it's like you want to compliment him