imagine being invited over for supper at Heston's phwoar edition
love you all
for me, its /brit/posting during toil and my free time x
*gets gastroenteritis*
even me?
haha it really do be like that
actually fucking in tears right now fucking i sent 190cm a photo of my trim asking what he thought the cunt leaves me on read for 15 minutes so i send a ? and he replies saying its the deadest trim hes ever seen fuck this cunt fuck 190cm
>unicef having to step in to feed starving children
Are we at the pount where we can openly say this country's fucked?
Have black people stopped committing crimes now that nobody is racist anymore?
>Posting on your work computers
Refuse to believe anyone does this, have to be a proper oddball
imagine you go for a night out with Heston, crash at his, and in the morning when you're hungover he's making you fucking scrambled alligator egg and liquid nitrogen frozen bacon "snow"
yes although your image and flag is making me have to use all my emotional energy to do so
>were you abused?
Not that I recall. Just never had that final growth spurt that would have made me 6' 1 with an average, rather than below average, willy as an adult.
we're just gonna pretend the entire last thread was about cocaine and forklifts
Fuck off I’m an off shift forklift operator
Kek this is true. PC posters are all trannies
Bit my lip 3 days ago and it's still in agony, must really have chomped down on it
girl invited herself over but is now getting cold feet
hate women so so much
when unicef steps in to stop people from shitting in the streets like they do in india
i command respect
can i get a nice body by eating okay and doing 100 sit ups and 100 push ups a day?
he's not well in the head
Give her some toasty socks to wear then.
rather have a charlie bigham ready meal desu
easily better than a 3* michelin restaurant
I’m 5’9 with a 5 inch cock. My dad is 6’3, mum is 5’10. My head is massive
Post proof lads
that's a gem of a thread subject tho
anyone else go to sleep with their fingers crossed that they don't wake up?
just because you've got no bollocks
literally get paid to /brit/post, me
how big is your dads cock?
Named my dog Respect
need to knock off this unitoil essay so I can get into Chrimbo mode
alri Tim
Weren't that ali g's catchphrase?
i tried once it was blocked for "questionable" and they probably got notified i tried to access it
Zig Forums should only be used on a PC/laptop
using it on your mobile is proper virign freak behaviour, you probably check it when you are out and about as well
for me it's the electric pallet jack operator. too humble for the forklift, but above the primitive manual pallet jack
what's wrong with getting pegged every now and then
Do you lads know anyone that was fired for stuff they posted on social media?
Mate are you literally autistic, a normal person would just do it on their phone like what I do. Do you work in a call centre or something where they don't allow phones
MacKenzie Scott, the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, has donated more than $4bn (£3bn) to food banks and emergency relief funds in four months.
In a blog post, Ms Scott said she wanted to help Americans who were struggling because of the pandemic.
Ms Scott is the world's 18th-richest person, having seen her wealth climb $23.6bn this year to $60.7bn.
Much of her fortune comes from Mr Bezos who is the world's richest man and Amazon's chief executive.
have brits ever used the idiom "for the birds"?
Nothing better than taking a good long shit on toilbergs watch.
Reckon I could make a killing selling homemade exit bags from my boot
aye my mate got fired for racism because he tweeted that he didn't rate pogba
you're the only idiom here
yes, my uni professor
remarried already
You know that scene in the beginning of stardust where the guy gets pulled into the gypsy caravan by a peng older woman to get his shit absolutely rattled. I dream of that
How many attempts did it take you to pass your driving test?
why would I keeping getting a tiny screen out of my pocket and give the game away when I can just position a window out of sight infront of the big screen I'm sat at anyway?
i honestly dont think a nation has the right to call itself first world/developed if billionaires have to step in to feed its hungry children.
thats india-tier development.
having a quick wank before my meeting at 10:30
calm the nerves so to speak
5 aha, but i can guarantee i'm the best driver here
How have we let people get so rich? How is it that the resources of the world belong to a select few?
Passed first time. Anyone who fails more than once should be banned from trying again for at least 5-10 years
not a name
why are Yanks like this?
leave it on reddit next time
theory: first time
test: first time
im not a useless pathetic manchild you see
pogba more like nogba
motherly instincts must be surging when a women spends 4 billion to feed people
always shit on company time
remember reading about some yank company that would time your work shit sessions
imagine that lol
something to do with long noses and hasidic tricks i reckon
Would've been 2 but I wore a cloth mask on the 2nd attempt and it steamed up my glasses so I couldn't see properly
yanks also have random drug tests. even in jobs where it doesnt really matter.
nice freedom they have there
*shows you the red card*
out. shan't have that racism in my /brit/.
paul wogba? not rayciest just don't like em
no sane person starves in this country.
>Would've been 2 but I wore a cloth mask on the 2nd attempt and it steamed up my glasses so I couldn't see properly
This is the most incel thing I've ever heard.
no sane person starves in america either
I matched a 37 year old artist on tinder and she has a gas mask fetish. Every couple of weeks she sends me an image in leather with a gas mask on
Imagine having to ask to go take a shit just so they can monitor how long it takes.
2, I failed first time because I basically tried to wing it in my own car after 6 lessons.
No, not at all. I planned to get in some sort of shape ahead of Christmas so my dad wouldn't mock me for being fat. But then I ordered another pizza and gave up
yeah, lad in work tweeted about wanting to send catholics back home to ireland
generally speaking I think brits are more trashy/tasteless than yanks are
however their names are so, so much worse than ours
oh fuck off yous dont all drive forklifts hahahaha
someone dump bitcoin PLEASE
put one on and ask her are you my mummy aha
can't believe there's anons here young enough to have got their license post covid.
Bet you did it in some rural area with 2 straight roads and a T-Junction.
How does it feel to be little more than a brain dead gibbon
don't really see feminist outrages anymore
sjws only care about race these days