Have black people stopped committing crimes now that nobody is racist anymore?
>Posting on your work computers
Refuse to believe anyone does this, have to be a proper oddball
imagine you go for a night out with Heston, crash at his, and in the morning when you're hungover he's making you fucking scrambled alligator egg and liquid nitrogen frozen bacon "snow"
yes although your image and flag is making me have to use all my emotional energy to do so
>were you abused?
Not that I recall. Just never had that final growth spurt that would have made me 6' 1 with an average, rather than below average, willy as an adult.
we're just gonna pretend the entire last thread was about cocaine and forklifts
Fuck off I’m an off shift forklift operator
Kek this is true. PC posters are all trannies
Bit my lip 3 days ago and it's still in agony, must really have chomped down on it
girl invited herself over but is now getting cold feet
hate women so so much
when unicef steps in to stop people from shitting in the streets like they do in india