What can you cook?

What can you cook?
I can cook curry-rice and omu-rice.

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Whatever i feel like cooking...?
Learning new recipes isn't hard.

I can cook meat and potatoes, but not much else. I'm not good with baking, pasta, or ethnic stuff, and I eat all of my vegetables (besides potatoes I guess) raw.


my greatest feat was "cooking" ceviche

i can cook instant noodles like no one else

True, no one else puts macaco meat in instant noodles

Yeah. Someone claiming to not be able to cook is unwilling to learn or severely mentaly retardaded. It's just following instructions.

I used to eat omurice a lot when I was a kid.

Never had it past the age of 10, it doesn't taste good to me anymore.

I eat peanut butter with a spoon 3 times a day


lets see
scrambled eggs fried rice hotdogs probably fried chicken and tocino.

You would have to be mentally retarded to only know how to cook a couple of meals.
I can cook that many that i struggle to even remember all of them.
If i wanted i could eat something different for every meal for an entire month...

I only eat cuck

I can barely boil water

Over the past 5 years or so, I think I've mastered ~25 different dishes...

>Stir fry
>Corn cakes
>French toast
>Eggs and ajvar
>Various baked goods

pleb Nip

Pretty much everything that doesn't require super special ingredients or equipment. My favourites are flambé'd banana and a decent beef roast for christmas. But I hardly take pictures if it because I suck at that lol.

Pic is a Streuselkuchen I made with my grandma when I was still at home in Germany.

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I dated an asian girl for a while, I can cook Katsudon, Sushi, Maki, Ramen and gyoza

then I dated a grill from italian family, of course pizza, lasagna, spaghetti and panzerotti

then french cuisine...
then meme shit like phô, bô-bun or pokebowl, fried rice

I tried cooking gulach but damn...it's not easy

I am a chemical engineer and I can cook very well, because cooking is nothing else than process engineering

>I tried cooking gulach but damn...it's not easy
not any different to Bœuf bourguignon

You are forgetting that a lot of people are retarded and simple things like cooking are hard as fuck for them.

t. Heisenberg

Yes i cook pretty well

I can't

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Boiled... rice?

Attached: Kitty-Gazing.jpg (575x609, 52.81K)

A bunch of shit?

How do you niggas who can't cook even eat? does your mommy cook for you, or you just eat frozen pizza and takeaway every day?

I don't even bother with the recipe, just cook ingredients whatever way I feel to. Of course I follow basics of how long ingredients should be baked, boiled or fried, but I absolutely don't care how I mix them and what seasoning I put in. Pork stew with potato and fried beans last week was nice and sweet.
Learning recipes is hard and boring, but cooking is not.

*hits pipe*
I cannot imagine anything more cucked than cooking by recipe

I can but i hate it. Waste of time, and makes me nervous because i don't want to fuck something up and squander ingredients. Plus i've lived several years without a dishwasher so every time was a pain to clean it afterwards

I only know how to cook potatoes, vegetables and a slap of meat... with only salt and pepper.