What can you cook?


lets see
scrambled eggs fried rice hotdogs probably fried chicken and tocino.

You would have to be mentally retarded to only know how to cook a couple of meals.
I can cook that many that i struggle to even remember all of them.
If i wanted i could eat something different for every meal for an entire month...

I only eat cuck

I can barely boil water

Over the past 5 years or so, I think I've mastered ~25 different dishes...

>Stir fry
>Corn cakes
>French toast
>Eggs and ajvar
>Various baked goods

pleb Nip

Pretty much everything that doesn't require super special ingredients or equipment. My favourites are flambé'd banana and a decent beef roast for christmas. But I hardly take pictures if it because I suck at that lol.

Pic is a Streuselkuchen I made with my grandma when I was still at home in Germany.

Attached: IMG_20200912_095138.jpg (2813x2121, 1.02M)

I dated an asian girl for a while, I can cook Katsudon, Sushi, Maki, Ramen and gyoza

then I dated a grill from italian family, of course pizza, lasagna, spaghetti and panzerotti

then french cuisine...
then meme shit like phô, bô-bun or pokebowl, fried rice

I tried cooking gulach but damn...it's not easy

I am a chemical engineer and I can cook very well, because cooking is nothing else than process engineering