Is there anything from this country that's worth watching?

Is there anything from this country that's worth watching?
I've seen solaris, stalker and recently come and see which was amazing and one of the best war films I've ever seen.
I'm thinking of watching the Sherlock Holmes adaptation they did for the next films, anyone watched?

Attached: Flag-Union-of-Soviet-Socialist-Republics.jpg (600x300, 17.01K)

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Is there anything from this country that's worth watching?
I've seen Triumph des Willens which was amazing and one of the best war films ive ever seen. I'm thinking of watching Jud Süß, anyone watched?

Attached: nazi-party-flag-1.jpg (1200x628, 52.81K)

Could you explain why you posted that?

CCTV of them genociding their own people.

It's great and imo best adaption of Sherlock. At least episodes from 1979 to 1981 are all kino.

Also pic related is essential soviet cinema. The creators of "The Americans" definetely seen it

Attached: MV5BNjMzZTE3NDEtOWRkOC00ZjFkLWIwODEtZTMzNmI4ZDg2YTBjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjExODE1MDc@._V1_.jpg (572x810, 251.64K)

I’m curious and piggybacking off of OP. Anyone who possesses knowledge of ussr films may be familiar with some worthwhile natsoc films.
Anything by German, really - literally anime with soviet people - one of my favorite movies

Thanks user, I'll add that to my list.
Does the USSR offend you user?
Ty, I'll look into it.
The last one looks good, hope I can find subtitled versions.

any russian mafia kino?
