Is there anything from this country that's worth watching?
I've seen solaris, stalker and recently come and see which was amazing and one of the best war films I've ever seen.
I'm thinking of watching the Sherlock Holmes adaptation they did for the next films, anyone watched?
Is there anything from this country that's worth watching?
Is there anything from this country that's worth watching?
I've seen Triumph des Willens which was amazing and one of the best war films ive ever seen. I'm thinking of watching Jud Süß, anyone watched?
Could you explain why you posted that?
CCTV of them genociding their own people.
It's great and imo best adaption of Sherlock. At least episodes from 1979 to 1981 are all kino.
Also pic related is essential soviet cinema. The creators of "The Americans" definetely seen it
I’m curious and piggybacking off of OP. Anyone who possesses knowledge of ussr films may be familiar with some worthwhile natsoc films.
Anything by German, really
Thanks user, I'll add that to my list.
Does the USSR offend you user?
Ty, I'll look into it.
The last one looks good, hope I can find subtitled versions.
any russian mafia kino?
Uncle Kruger
1958 Idiot adaptation is pretty kino
The Fall of Berlin (1949) is fucking hilarious in the propaganda but the combat is kino
I don't know if pic related qualifies, but it's definitely kino.
Also technically not USSR, but whatever, it's Russia, same thing.
Shit, good taste user, honestly didn't even think of it.
Unironically one of my fav Kurosawa films lol, extremely comfy.
together with 17 moments of spring considered classic soviet kino.
sherlock holmes adaptation was very good
this was also 10/10
these are all good, though german isnt for everyone
the most famous are brother and brother 2
this was decent
this was also 9/10
i would also reccomend
war and peace
solovyov (assa and 100 days after childhood especially)
ballad of a soldier
klimov and shepitko, start with the ascent
konchalovsky, especially siberiade
the return, other zvyagintsev not so much
lopushansky is fairly good
gaidai is good for comedies
and of course eisenstein
for non russian stuff check out parajanov, abuladze, aristakisyan and jamilya, the needle etc
if you like soviet cinema youll like polish and hungarian films from that era as well
The Meeting Point
thats yugoslavian
This 1995 HBO movie set in 80's based on true story. Kinda sucks it takes place in Russia and they all speak English.
This year's second best movie. 6 hours that feel like 6 mins.
Russian Sherlock is more British than brits could ever dream of. Peak comfy.
>set in Gulag
>cast speak english
just cranky hohol whining, pretentious trash dont watch it
dont watch this garbage either
Midwit comment, stop rattling your cage as if you were human.
i lived in ukraine retard everyone there cringes at this faggoty "NOOO RUSSIA ABUSES US" arthouse shit
>i lived in ukraine
Great argument
it literally is retard. fags like you watch shit like that and think "WAAAOW GEE STALIN SURE WAS BAD THOSE POOR UKRAININGS ARE CHANNELING THEIR HOLODOMOR TRAUMA INTO AVANTE GARDE EXPERIMENTAL FILM" while actually ukrainians think stalin was based and should have killed more jews and liberals
Damn the actors for sherlock and watson are really good, idk about the adaptation but at least they’re good.
Am I missing some meme here?
Thanks for the list user
Dersu Uzala, though that was directed by Kurosawa
lmao anecdotal evidence is better than 0 evidence retard. keep watching movies with literally no understanding of them
Also watch
War and Peace
Operation Y and Shurik's other Adventures
Irony of Fate
Some of them are on YT with subs
>actually ukrainians think stalin was based
>Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) has performed an all-Ukrainian public opinion poll (5-21 February 2018).
>In general, Ukrainians have a negative attitude toward Stalin: 42% treat him with hostility, fear or hatred, 30% are indifferent, and 14% have a positive attitude (respect, sympathy or admiration).
>28% of the population considers Stalin to be "a wise leader" (52% disagree with this), but 77% agree that "Stalin is a cruel, inhuman tyrant guilty of destroying millions of innocent people." 60% of the population noted that they do not believe that "our people can never survive without a leader like Stalin, who would come and put things in order." Three-quarters of the respondents indicated that they did not want to live and work under someone’s (like Stalin’s) rule.
>Only 14% of Ukrainians are positive about Stalin
>77% of Ukrainians and only 44% of Russians consider Stalin to be a brutal, inhuman tyrant.
Fuck off, commie cuck. You will not be spared on the Day of the Rope.
As I mentioned previously, you are subhumanly dumb.