Post interesting behind the scenes photos of the cast and crew.
/BTS/ - Behind the scenes
Weird. I just watched Commando last night. Great movie. I think I'll watch Cobra tonight.
did they?
He was a ridiculous villain
the other henchman guy says to Arnie's FACE in the same movie that they will enjoy the extra time having her as their hostage.
You JUST know
its fortunate bennett was gay.
based Jerry
He probably feels her bulge even from behind
Ridiculously based.
Imagine if this photo was taken in-universe and sent to Matrix with a message saying, "Jenny's found herself a new daddy."
He had sex with a 17 year old. Let that sink in.
>He's the fucking man
fully sunk
Don Johnson statutory raped Melanie Griffith when she was 14
David Pirner's a fucking creep. Look how controlling and possessive he is with Winona. Last guy I saw manhandling a young woman like that was Harvey Weinstein.
It's a wholesome flick.
>wears chain mail shirt
>skiny fat doesn't even look strong like Arnold
>does nothing the entire movie
Wtf were they thinking
she looks like a child
That opening sequence is madness
she was defo getting banged by arnie and the others, the intro is pure pedo kino
I believe she was yeah.
>wears chain mail shirt
It was actually wool.
Why does he only have 4 fingers on his left hand?
he must have, right brehs?
Guess it's just the way he positioned his finger.