>"I would never want to tell a story that really should be told by somebody who's lived that experience," she said. "Having said that, it's a slippery slope conversation because that means I could never play another straight character if I'm going to hold everyone to the letter of this particular law. I think it's such a gray area."
>"I don't want to look like the hypocrite i am while playing "straight" characters, so here are some mental gymnastics to appease the SJW's
>wow hey lets hire people who both best fit the role and are good actors >noooo you're only supposed to have gay actors play gay characters
Cooper Williams
Acting = pretending. If they are not pretending then they are not acting. Gay actor "playing" gay character isn't acting. He is just performing.
John Smith
Females are the greatest cancer humanity has ever known.
Jordan Young
What if the character also does other things than be gay?
Charles Morales
Check your fucking privilege you fascist drumpftard fuck.
Joshua Nguyen
>"males" putting pussy on a pedestal are the greatest cancer humanity has ever known FTFY
Daniel Ramirez
Translation: >I am very open to big paycheck capeshit roles if you’re listening Hollywood. I will play a superheroes gf even. These indie movies aren’t paying the bills
Jayden Long
>dumb actette rubs both brain cells together and discovers liberal hypocrisy she'll never work again
highly unlikely
Justin Morales
Yeah the problem is that they just wouldn't hire gay actors to do anything, gay or straight, but go on and ignore context