>"I would never want to tell a story that really should be told by somebody who's lived that experience," she said. "Having said that, it's a slippery slope conversation because that means I could never play another straight character if I'm going to hold everyone to the letter of this particular law. I think it's such a gray area."
>"I don't want to look like the hypocrite i am while playing "straight" characters, so here are some mental gymnastics to appease the SJW's
>wow hey lets hire people who both best fit the role and are good actors >noooo you're only supposed to have gay actors play gay characters
Cooper Williams
Acting = pretending. If they are not pretending then they are not acting. Gay actor "playing" gay character isn't acting. He is just performing.
John Smith
Females are the greatest cancer humanity has ever known.
Jordan Young
What if the character also does other things than be gay?
Charles Morales
Check your fucking privilege you fascist drumpftard fuck.
Joshua Nguyen
>"males" putting pussy on a pedestal are the greatest cancer humanity has ever known FTFY
Daniel Ramirez
Translation: >I am very open to big paycheck capeshit roles if you’re listening Hollywood. I will play a superheroes gf even. These indie movies aren’t paying the bills
Jayden Long
>dumb actette rubs both brain cells together and discovers liberal hypocrisy she'll never work again
highly unlikely
Justin Morales
Yeah the problem is that they just wouldn't hire gay actors to do anything, gay or straight, but go on and ignore context
Jayden Morgan
Actors should only be allowed to play actors change my mind
John Ramirez
I was going to ask you incels if you're retarded, but I guess I've answered my own question
William Morris
She wants to say people should be able to play whatever they want but she doesn't want to get Scarjo'd so she's using a bunch of gobblygook to defend it.
Ethan Bell
Jason Robinson
Name one modern instance of a better actor being passed up only for being gay and instead choosing a worse actor just for being straight. >incels I was going to ask if you are retarded, but i guess you've answered my own question. >She wants to say people should be able to play whatever they want She is only saying because she is now gay and wants to keep playing straight characters without looking like an hypocrite.
Are we pretending no studios wanted to hire openly gay actors until like the 2000s?
Thomas Wilson
>they just wouldn't hire gay actors to do anything And risk being accused of homophobia? Right.
Xavier Cooper
It's called acting, dear boy
Benjamin Morris
The fact it's so infrequent there's a wiki article to show the rare instances of an actor being gay proves her point.
Cooper Robinson
I'm in a couple of facebook acting groups because I'm a filmmaker and one of them is very ott sjw. I don't really care because it's better than the opposite at least. But this whole sia autism thing has sparked a new wave of posts. The admin's like 'what do you all think of this?' and I really want to respond and point out that it's ridiculous; Redmayne didn't have motor neurone disease but still played a brilliant Hawking, acting is make-believe by definition otherwise it's just shitty reality tv. But I also don't want to tank my career before I make it anywhere. And I think this is the problem, you can't call out these extremists without subjecting yourself to the wrath of cancelculture. Someone like JKRowling can withstand it sure. But even your average b-list actor would be lucky to make it out alive. And because of that, it purports this idea that everyone who doesn't support white supremacy must be this ultra extremist leftist that wants all kids to be trans-retarded.
Ayden Carter
only nice actors should play nice people and that's it and if you're not a nice person you should be a registered offender
Kevin Ortiz
Then they aren't a gay character, they're just a character who happens to be gay. There are very few of these characters in hollywood though, to be fair
Eli Parker
>America Psycho >Character isn't played by an actual psycho
Owen Wood
Isn't it called, ACTING?
Nathaniel James
Joseph Butler
Logically explain your point.
You think there should be a law forcing film makers to only hire gay actors to play gay roles so that gay actors get more work? To offset oppression of gay people? Is that what you are saying? What are you saying? Directly state it.
Ian Brooks
>Name one modern instance of a better actor being passed up only for being gay and instead choosing a worse actor just for being straight. To play devil's advocate, by coming out as gay an actor loses a lot of their fanbase as their legion of female simps lose all attraction and men stop idolising them. Therefore, they're no longer in the same league as the 'straight' actor, so it can be claimed the casting decision is due to clout when it's just a by-product. Like Hammer in Call Me By Your Name instead of a gay guy like the guy who played Barney on HIMYM
Christian Jones
going by that logic you can also only cast real soldiers as soldiers and so on, that's dumb as fuck although it's kind of funny that she noticed the blatant hypocrisy
Nolan Hall
This is all a result of LDC winning an oscar for the revenant instead of the wolf of wall street and we're paying dearly for it. Prove me wrong
Blake Adams
>And because of that, it purports this idea that everyone who doesn't support white supremacy must be this ultra extremist leftist that wants all kids to be trans-retarded. Enablers are just as bad and guilty as the perpetrators, you ARE a extremist leftist, like it or not. Thanks for the non-response and the unrelated rant.
Brody Morgan
This honestly.
Henry Campbell
Every social issue can only be discussed in context and relative to its time, but by whatever metric you use Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general has always been very open to LGBT people. There are classic movies like Rebel Without a Cause where basically all the major names involved were open about having homosexual experiences, but that flies under you radar because 1. you only watch Netflix shows for teenagers and you don't know history 2. you were conditioned to expect a certain type of attitude from people like that, being raised after the generation that weaponized identity politics for financial profit, and used to their standards of behavior. Gay celebrities until very recently were usually not "gay icons" in the sense you were conditioned to worship, so they basically don't exist for you.
Or maybe it just makes sense to make a list about people who statistically deviate from the norm 95 to 5% instead of the opposite.
But I assume being shown that the problems you were told were systemic and endemic are actually blown out of proportion is not news to you, so sure just drop the most low effort mental gymnastics and move on, I don't care.
Zachary Garcia
my estimation of her just jumped up a few pegs
Brody Bell
Actors will be replaced by CGI anyway. The mental breakdowns will be hilarious.
Evan Phillips
>"I would never want to tell a story that really should be told by somebody who's lived that experience," Professor X has to be played by a real cripple. Only veterans can act in war movies. If you haven't been in space you shouldn't be playing an astronaut. Fuck you Matt Damon. Rapist character? Better hire a real rapist.
What does "acting" even mean? It's inauthentic to have people pretend things are happening that aren't happening.
Josiah Scott
>hollywood casting director >casts chinks as japs is this okay?
Austin Morris
Hollywood is a multibillion dollar industry. Why can't they just ignore the few whiny fags on twitter?
Owen Morris
>lived experience
>tfw black
These faggots literally think I get beaten by cops all day and called nigger
Neither have ever happened irl
Gabriel Flores
>Only veterans can act in war movies. this one it does sound like something a gay troop worshipper would say tbqhwy
Carson Ross
>Rapist character? Better hire a real rapist. I would pay to watch that.
Gavin Nguyen
Kstew is hot so I hope she keeps getting roles lol.
Demographics. Boomers who run show business interpret the world through data, and now that no one except retarded white women and gays actually give money to shit they have to pander to them at all cost. They're the domestic China.
Benjamin Hall
she has potential but ruined herself with the dyke/trash style
Adam Cook
Oh yeah big time. It’s pretty sad really.
Aiden Ross
The preferred expression is: (and that's a good thing)
Daniel Torres
The whole idea of this shit hinges on the belief that fag, niggers, etc. are entitled to success, and giving it to someone else is "denying" them their work.
Gavin Parker
>I think it's such a gray area. What did she mean by this? When will the SJW phases of Liberalism end? When will they finally eat themselves?
Gabriel Gomez
>"I would never want to tell a story that really should be told by somebody who's lived that experience, wtf vampires are real?
Aiden Perez
And yet those fags on the Kstew threads like this look. God I hate fags and fag enablers so goddamn much.
Brody James
you're not talking about her being a cheating whore anymore so her change worked.
John Taylor
>Its better than the opposite at least
You've brought this on yourself.
Adam Parker
>Professor X has to be played by a real cripple And one with superpowers
Brandon Perry
Christian Morgan
Tom Hanks should absolutely have infected himself with HIV before taking the part of the homosexual in Philadelphia.
Eli Hernandez
Lucas Roberts
Nah. The people who abide evil are bad, the people who exalt evil are worse. But the worst, it’s the evil itself.