>refuse to review tenet because “noLaN baD” and makes typical movies


>review every marvel film (literally, every marvel film) even though they all recycle the same narrative arc of the villian stealing the hero’s tech

>review every disney star wars movie even though they constantly plagiarize past imagery and narrative arcs

These hacks have gone off the deep end, I honestly don’t know how people can stand to still watch them. Their snobby, elitist rhetoric is unbearable at this point — Jay Bauman being the worst offender.

These dudes don’t even understand films, their claim to fame is being the first people to make a YouTube video essay.

Besides that they’re only popular because they’re friend simulators, yet they seem to think people tune in for their le epic film knowledge.

I don’t think they realize they’re a shitty YouTube sitcom punctuated with Rich Evans’ obnoxious laughter.

Attached: 7652CF65-B718-4714-9DCB-15C11602601B.jpg (1125x615, 614.91K)

>R E N T. F R E E.

>Rich Evans’ obnoxious laughter.
Die mad about it fag

t. Patreon donators that think two middle aged childless armchair critics are their actual friends


Lol cope



Oh it's this thread again, that pretends they haven't reviewed several of his films in the past, and liked them.

Thats the whole point though. They review those movies because there is a lot about them to criticize and discuss. Whats the point in watching them review a movie that they admit they wouldn't have anything more to say than just "yeah it was a good movie"?