>refuse to review tenet because “noLaN baD” and makes typical movies


>review every marvel film (literally, every marvel film) even though they all recycle the same narrative arc of the villian stealing the hero’s tech

>review every disney star wars movie even though they constantly plagiarize past imagery and narrative arcs

These hacks have gone off the deep end, I honestly don’t know how people can stand to still watch them. Their snobby, elitist rhetoric is unbearable at this point — Jay Bauman being the worst offender.

These dudes don’t even understand films, their claim to fame is being the first people to make a YouTube video essay.

Besides that they’re only popular because they’re friend simulators, yet they seem to think people tune in for their le epic film knowledge.

I don’t think they realize they’re a shitty YouTube sitcom punctuated with Rich Evans’ obnoxious laughter.

Attached: 7652CF65-B718-4714-9DCB-15C11602601B.jpg (1125x615, 614.91K)

>R E N T. F R E E.

>Rich Evans’ obnoxious laughter.
Die mad about it fag

t. Patreon donators that think two middle aged childless armchair critics are their actual friends


Lol cope



Oh it's this thread again, that pretends they haven't reviewed several of his films in the past, and liked them.

Thats the whole point though. They review those movies because there is a lot about them to criticize and discuss. Whats the point in watching them review a movie that they admit they wouldn't have anything more to say than just "yeah it was a good movie"?

Reminder they have praised E V E R Y single marvel movie, all 20+ of them. They've recommended every single one of them despite all of them being SHIT. Reminder they praised TFA and then refused to say they didn't recommend TLJ. That's right, watch that video, they pussy out and go with some "uhhh not black and white guise" shill shit.

They're shills, 100% unironically. If Nolan started making movies for disney they'd praise him as the new Kubrick

>Reminder they have praised E V E R Y single marvel movie, all 20+ of them. They've recommended every single one of them
They haven't even reviewed them all, you weird cunt.

it's not like their film discussions are normally that high-level. they're basically STILL coasting on the reputation of the Plinkett Reviews.

Well I don't believe you and even if that's true they've reviewed most of them and recommended every single one. Now keep in mind the best marvel movie is a 5/10 being generous, and TFA is way less than that, so it's clear they're shills.
>b-but they make those nerd shit videos making fun of other shills they can't be shills themselves!!
Go donate to their patreon you mousecock sucking cucks!

So then why would you care about what films do or don't get reviewed by people who's reviews you don't watch?

nolans movies are specifically targeted at 100 IQ midwits
seethe more

this is a great tantrum. the reddit spacing, the seething indignation that nobody is taking your pseud trash seriously. nolan fags really are an embarassment to cinema.

>Well I don't believe you and even if that's true they've reviewed most of them
It's literally a fact, feel free to do some actual research next time

haha, seething

rlm goes brrrrrr haha

Quite right, they definitely did half in the bag reviews for Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar at the very least, and said Dunkirk was good

Imagine watching that video and thinking they don't like Nolan's movies. You are a legit retard. Drown yourself at your earliest convenience.

OP, why do you care so much? Are you actually autistic?

An actual underaged poster. How difficult is to find out the reality behind your comments? They haven't reviewed them and have told fans to pass on a few of them.

An autist would get the facts right

True, some weird dementia then

>go watch more of their literally disney sponsored content videos and you'll find they skip one or two marvel movies
As I said I don't believe you, the fact that you're picking this hill to die on makes me think you guys are shills too no offense

Are you a flatearther too?

>Pretends to know about a thing when even checking episode titles would have helped
>Gets called out
>Is a cunt
A classic tale

>caring about youtube movie reviewers
lmao, pathetic on all levels.


OP here. I thought Tenet was trash.