kinos for this
Kinos for this
At what point did memes get so uncreative that people just slapped text on every object in picture?
America's entire history.
makes my eyes bleed. i know memes are by definition low effort but how the fuck can everyone accept taking out of context pop culture and just putting huge blocks of text over everything?
That pic is hilarious
>meme: exists
>first post: am I a joke to you?
So? Hedonism is fun, nothing has any real value anyway, after you die its all gone, might as well do what gives you pleasure. Pretending life as a meaning and that you have a purpose doenst make it true, just accept it, feels good.
Skinning you alive would make me feel good. Where do you live?
Thank Twitter for that.
As of when I'd say around 2018
lol you can't even reply in non-meme format