Kinos for this

kinos for this

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At what point did memes get so uncreative that people just slapped text on every object in picture?

America's entire history.

makes my eyes bleed. i know memes are by definition low effort but how the fuck can everyone accept taking out of context pop culture and just putting huge blocks of text over everything?

That pic is hilarious

>meme: exists
>first post: am I a joke to you?

So? Hedonism is fun, nothing has any real value anyway, after you die its all gone, might as well do what gives you pleasure. Pretending life as a meaning and that you have a purpose doenst make it true, just accept it, feels good.

Skinning you alive would make me feel good. Where do you live?

Thank Twitter for that.
As of when I'd say around 2018

lol you can't even reply in non-meme format

>secularists like focault actually realised this and said people were just controlled by directed desire now
>realised he was refuting his whole pedo faggot atheist ideaology and never brought it up again

>people who are religious are statistically happier
>heh, but I would rather be sad and free than a happy slave...

so the only thing keeping you from being a pedo is religion?

P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney

Im at your moms house teaching her about hedonism, just come by. You should knock first tho.

>yOu cAn'T eVeN RePLy iN nOn mEmE foRmAT

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damn... really make you thinks

Why would you argue with someone whose entire worldview is based on explicit irrationality?

>*replies with a nonsequitur*

where the fuck did I say that? I said focault realised how control works now but stopped talking about it because it contradicted the secular movement. i just called him a faggot pedo to insult him. read posts instead of trying to cram them into your reddit canned "argument" auto response loop

Thus. Arguing with atheists is useless.

Thats a choice you make. Im happy the way I live, otherwise I would find some other way to live. That was my whole point, I do what makes me happy. I know you want to believe you need your faith to feel happy as a means of justifying the restrictions you accept, but still, your faith is still lies and you are gaining nothing from it.

This*. Arguing with christcucks* is useless.


first off, if you want to be happy you are a midwit. secondly, saying your way of life is a lie is a circular argument.

Political cartoons after the printing press was invented.

*disables your brain*

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Pretty much

>secularists like focault actually realised this and said people were just controlled by directed desire now
Where? Please give me source user

history of sexuality

Blame instagram.

oof fedorazoids are gonna seethe over this one

It's mildly better than text above a picture.
>look i be homin on dat hunkajunka
>-picture of a bear walking around in a yard-

got him

Mid-wits fall into the Nihilism trap, that's why they all end up miserable. But the true enlightening insight is that there are things that transcend the individual, such as building a family, mastering a craft, or creating profound art. By striving for those, you will achieve "the good life" that has been sought after since Socrates first posed the question.

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