Was James ever a good filmmaker?

Was James ever a good filmmaker?

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not even a good film watcher

Nothing he has produced has ever been shown in cinemas.

So he isn't even a filmmaker.


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Stop making this thread.

He invented indie filmmaking so he must be, why else would everyone else copy him?

He's a decent student filmmaker now that he's 40

>Nothing he has produced has ever been shown in cinemas.
>So he isn't even a filmmaker.
I get that you're baiting for a pink soijak, but I would never do that to you.

Attached: AVGN Movie Premiere – A success!.jpg (1000x1000, 100.81K)

>le funny soi face
I hate anyone who does this with such a passion

>>le funny soi face
>I hate anyone who does this with such a passion

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