Was James ever a good filmmaker?
Was James ever a good filmmaker?
not even a good film watcher
Nothing he has produced has ever been shown in cinemas.
So he isn't even a filmmaker.
Stop making this thread.
He invented indie filmmaking so he must be, why else would everyone else copy him?
He's a decent student filmmaker now that he's 40
>Nothing he has produced has ever been shown in cinemas.
>So he isn't even a filmmaker.
I get that you're baiting for a pink soijak, but I would never do that to you.
>le funny soi face
I hate anyone who does this with such a passion
>>le funny soi face
>I hate anyone who does this with such a passion
He's a fucking "web content producer", whatever the fuck that even means anymore.
Nice selfie james
James had to pay for that premiere out of the kickstarter money
Is he still a captive of Mike?
He'd probably be good at writing and directing interracial cuckold films
I'm gonna need a source in that user
>Remember the Nintendo """Wii""" lol yeah that's actually what they called it, but it was very revolutionary when it first came out. But looking at it now? It's like a baby's toy.
I heard he invented indie filmmaking
Beer Man is fucking kino
I know this was your implication and there's no need to say it, but
Holy shit, this is basically going to become viable as an episode soon. We may well reach a point where James is saying this unironically.
>I'm gonna need a source in that user
What's it like being 40 and not having achieved your goals in life? You still have 30-40 more years to go but you don't really have a chance to achieve anything. Hell I'm turning 30 in a year, in despair over slacking in life and want to kill myself already.
Just make him bald instead of gray and it's reality
>He's gonna take you back to the past
>To take you back to the past
and playing the cuck role
no james isn't very good at making films but he made an entertaining series and makes learning about films fun. He is a nice and calm guy to listen to about movies so I like him.
board james is my favorite
Did anything ever come of those pictures that were found on his laptop?
I’m sure we all know the rumours.
gimme a quick rundown
>gimme a quick rundown