This thread is dedicated to the accumulation of new investors, where we can share our mistakes and our lucky gains.
I started early April. Feel free to post yours.
New Investors General /NIG/gas
I started late April. No options
Every time I sell something, it skyrockets
Every time I hold, it tanks
I’m not very good lol.
Fuck your, I started in March
How do I avoid falling victim to what happened with TLRD earlier today?
Did you try to short the bottom?
How can I better predict when that will happen ?
I sold my TLRD this morning. Then I watched it increase another 20% & I got upset
Then I checked it after-market and laughed. Guess I got lucky.
I would hold if I were you. It’ll go up eventually
Say it with me: Stocks only go up.
No I had in at 1.40 but I sold at 1.52. I gained 1000 dollars today and ended the day with only about a 100 dollar gain at the time I sold.
I guess I did, it was like a week before the bottom hit. That foreign index fund just didn't tank that hard.
Say it with me: Bear markets are an optical illusion.
started last month but I technically started in late march as I went all in RTX and decided it was such fucking retarded idea and waited for a looooong time before i broke even. once I got out i search for ANY stock hit by Covid-19 and started buy cheapies and then I got fucking lucky last week on friday as everything started to moon
Did you set the price limit at what price you’re willing to sell your stocks at?
If you go to sell a stock at $2, and as you’re clicking continue, it changes prices (naturally)
Make sure to click on options next time you sell & click the ‘limit sell’ button.
I thought they already had their earnings report because I didnt hear anything about it
>all of a sudden the catalog is filled with all these stock tourist absolute newfags throwing their money blindly at stocks
time to bail out
Hehe. I tried to short oil, not knowing it was still at the bottom. I thought I was lucky making a few $$$. But now oil is skyrocketing back to normal, when I got off of the train a month ago!!
Now I’m holding Nordstrom. Made a pretty penny today.
There are also a lot of cheap oil stocks that haven’t exactly recovered yet
Naw I didnt want to use one because I legitimately thought the earnings report had past. I sold like 20 minutes after the first news article I can find about it was published
>Always bet on the federal reserve
>Only buy into things that look profitable long term so you don't panic sell
>Never listen to the advice of anybody blindly no matter who they are or what they say (Buffet losing airlines lel)
>Do not sell until there is a slight drop, or you will miss out on being near the top
>Same thing with the bottom, only buy when things are just starting to go up
>Never invest in crypto
>Never invest in options
>All in on TSN tendies
>Fuck jannies
You're welcome.
Started back in February. Went mostly petrol stocks because I figured once people started driving again it would be fine.
what is TSN stand for?
>>Never invest in crypto
>>Never invest in options
how much did you lose lmao. emotional investing at its finest
Say it with me: Investing without a plan is just speculation.
>.5 BTC
>100 LINK
>1000 GHOST
It’s not much, but I’m cozy.
How do you guys do it? And here I am with my modest gains. Do you guys go all-in on options or pennystocks? I've made a consistent 15% per trade with pennystocks but it only resulted in small gains because I'm trying to stick to the 5% rule. The rest of my investments are index ETFs.
Will post my chad picks next
Best advice:
Sell options and manage risk. You can make 50%/year if you understand the IV, greeks and options strategies well enough
Counter trade yourself and youre good
I made a good bit of money off GNUS and I'm making big gains after going all in on INUV. I just dropped $2k into my account from a loan and will drop another 500 from my paycheck this friday. I'm planning on all inning something like PLUG or NRGU because single dollar gains that would be easy within a span of a week will grant me +600 to +800 dollars just off of $1 increase...
If you're good at Russian Roulette, you'll make a good return on Hertz. I'm up, but literally gave me chest pains trading it
All these posts are meaningless without saying what you started with. 90% of you are probably already fucking rich cunts just casually dropping $1k's for fun and gloating on a rice anime forum
First of all, there is a difference between trading and investing.
As a poorfag I can tell you my experience. I started trading recently when I got the $1200 stimulus payment. As I was also going to get unemployment insurance money, the $1200 was basically nothing to me at that point and I felt like I could finally take a gamble.
Since then I've added money from my unemployment checks here and there. It came up to 5k in the end. After 2 months of floundering, I made my first 1k (above my 5k capital) recently. And today I'm up by $700 or so.