New Investors General /NIG/gas

If you're good at Russian Roulette, you'll make a good return on Hertz. I'm up, but literally gave me chest pains trading it

All these posts are meaningless without saying what you started with. 90% of you are probably already fucking rich cunts just casually dropping $1k's for fun and gloating on a rice anime forum

First of all, there is a difference between trading and investing.

As a poorfag I can tell you my experience. I started trading recently when I got the $1200 stimulus payment. As I was also going to get unemployment insurance money, the $1200 was basically nothing to me at that point and I felt like I could finally take a gamble.

Since then I've added money from my unemployment checks here and there. It came up to 5k in the end. After 2 months of floundering, I made my first 1k (above my 5k capital) recently. And today I'm up by $700 or so.