The open riots right after being locked down now irrefutably proves that corona was in fact a massive hoax to destroy...

The open riots right after being locked down now irrefutably proves that corona was in fact a massive hoax to destroy the economy over a common cold. Face it, you got played.

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Wrong board retard. Fuck off .

This is the correct board homosexual. The economy was destroyed by retards like you.

this entire board was making fun of it from day one posting threads with pictures of old people saying "thanks"

its fucking pol that kept pretending like it was a real making up all kinds of bullshit stories about how it destroys your brain and pretending to be nurses

Nice revisionist history.

You dummy , some states are seeing a 50% increase in new infections ever since the protests started . Use some damn common sense

>let's destroy the economy!
Said the wealthy elite who are heavily invested in the economy.

Oh no the two people sick with a common cold spiked to three.

How did I get played if I picked up 10k chainlink with a cost basis of 2.20 per?

>He doesn't know what shorting is

Wow, another retard who thinks corona is what crashed the market.


What if i told you the economy was destroyed by the jews in 1913 when the dollar was abstracted and the Republicans dont realize this whole thing is a design so you dumbshits will, as usual, blame black people. GUESS WHAT? THE POOR AREN'T THE PROBLEM.


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Its sad to see people still not get it. Second wave at 15% lethality will destroy us

What if I told you that (((globalist elites))) and violent niggers are both part of the problem.

What if i told you the jews tricking black people is fixable through spreading information to black people about how they have been wronged historically? BLACK PEOPLE AND POOR PEOPLE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM YOU FUCKING RETARD. IF ANYTHING THEY ARE JUST AS USABLE FOR THE GOY AS THEY ARE FOR THE JEWS

civcucks get the rope


Youre the one inciting violence. Fuck you bitch

What if I told you that niggers are easily manipulated and used by jews because of their inherent low IQs and violent tendencies

Lmao retard. The economy is going to get destroyed. Even without corona, the fed already ruined everything, you stupid ass alt right faggot.
Not everything is a conspiracy against trump, shitstain.

Also 1.3% death rate. Not everything is a god damn conspiracy. Also, this has affected other countries, not just the u.s. Imagine thinking this was a conspiracy. Learn to think

fuck off deshawn, jews brought you over for a distraction tactic
we focus on them chimping out instead of moshe putting his fingers in our pockets
we'll be better off without all of you pakis included, go home

I can tell you support trump by how stupid your arguments are.
LITERALLY your argument is just:
>Virus was conspiracy even though I am just getting that from my ass!
Fucking brailess rednecks

What if i told you the IQ test was invented by the white man to measure cultural aptitudes not passed on by black people (not valued) and their ability to understand it probably higher than yours.

t. 142 iq

(corrected myself to avoid a dumbass that corrects me to gain leverage over me).

most people dying are ancient who cares

No one is saying otherwise. Im saying blaming black people is some dumb shit.

Lmfaooooo that's not an argument. This virus is contagious. That's like saying if this country was nuked and you're just going to say "so what if 99% of people died? People doe all the time". What the FUCK?

Huh???? I was talking to op. He WAS saying otherwise to what I posted. The dipshit implied the virus is what caused this mess (yes, it is true it didnt do anything good, BUT the idiot is implying this country was just fine before).

>Lmfaooooo that's not an argument. This virus is contagious. That's like saying if this country was nuked and you're just going to say "so what if 99% of people died? People doe all the time". What the FUCK?

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I wonder why blacks lack of intelligence was not valued. Hmmmm

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