RSR General - No FUD Addition

here's a thread about your pump and dump group

typical nolinker pajeet
>low IQ detected
>Imagine fudding Thiel

I dont follow Telepajeet fuckery . both groups are amusing
RSR is legit

Imagine trying to get people to believe that a coin is a "scam" but your in EVERY thread spending all of your time trying to discredit it. I see tons of scams on biz all of the time. Don't even waste my time on those coins
again...try harder....or maybe, just try to make more money so you can accumulate faster and don't have to resort to FUD

Attached: RSRAppRating.png (774x924, 164.34K)

another seething bagholder detected

I've presented real data and facts about your shitcoin here and yet you refuse to awknoledge it
as expected with delusional faggots

I was expecting app update this or next week
but it will take at least a month

Attached: Yeah+_8f063dfdb79b764aceb52a7fc21beca3.jpg (687x1000, 146.55K)

kek i hold RSR and DAG only for the gainz. They are much better than shitcoins out there (all of them are scammy )
I agree with you on the Pump and dump group part .
I just pointed out that Telegram is actually the trading floor for crypto.
> The faggots just flip from one chat to another

i got burned so hard in ocean. even if spectre is pump and dump , they outperform everyone in the market

Your "real data" and facts are just a FEW people complaining that they get stuck on a all black screen...its a technical issue..That is already being fixed for the FEW people that it happened to, and will be completely fixed in the new app update..

Also the new app update will allow you to exchange between BTC and other crypto...Plus, we are partnered with PAYPAL and ZELLE.

PLUS the app is coming to the USA and many other countries this year.

Paypal to crypto Transactions...only with RESERVE.

this will be HUGE
lets also not forget about the COIN BURN
and the fact that our market maker is the same as XRP.

See you FUD bitches at $5

Paypal & Zelle Confirmed

Paypal part is legit dude. RSR ftw!