I work in an engineering company with 10-15% women. The ones we have are good and we have women in upper management, it's not like they can't advance in their career. Still, we always have programs to try to significantly increase our women percentage because diversity is better.
corporations push it because diversity and union development are inversely related. The more diverse, the less likely it is for your workforce to unionize.
This makes a ton of sense and I believe it, but do you have any studies or something I can shove in someone's face backing this up or something?
Evan Nelson
I like pic related kind of diversity. If we can just leave it at that...
Adrian Hernandez
Diversity means less white so what do you think? Why does the NBA win diversity awards and is basically nigger?
Thomas Cruz
Corporations push for it because diverse teams are psychologically proven to be more creative and better at problem solving.
White guys hate it because they can't have their systemic leg up.
Leo Jones
Amazon and Whole Foods has some internal docs leaked. Career suicide to conduct and try to publish a study proving it.
Sebastian Perez
it's terrible for business overall, but not adhering to it is suicide for any individual business. for example, if target had condemned the riots and looting (rather than essentially endorsing them), niggers and white whores on twitter would make a big fuss about boycotting them, then companies would end partnerships and pull their products from target shelves in order to virtue signal. this same principle applies to all of the manifestations of the ideology academia has infected our culture with. it's more like adhering to a religion during the inquisition than "making the world better" or some shit. so as a survival tactic, it's a race to the bottom with these faggot companies trying to figure out how they can conform to the infinitely expanding demands of faggots and niggers, constantly trying to figure out how they can get ahead of the curve and hopefully be killed last. pretty bad taste
Liam Davis
>psychologically proven source
Josiah Hall
Think about it, do they have the same programs but for men to try to increase the amount of men in female dominant fields? Nope.
Michael Bennett
>female dominant fields make prostitution equal opportunity, today
Diversity hires should only be considered for projects related to the arts. Watch the documentary on the making of candy man, it does a good job of telling it. Every culture has different art styles (for the most part), getting people that grew up in those different cultures gives an opportunity for different perspectives.
In an engineering firm, though, thats retarded.
Austin Bell
Brandon Harris
likewise, do they try to equalize male dominated fields like construction, welding, or plumping? no, just engineering, programming, and muh female astronaut.
Jose Evans
Hmm. Race riots in the streets. Think they'll work together to form a union?
Best kept secret to continue corporate greed is to control the narrative.
Henry Johnson
Leo Russell
Forcing diversity without justification does nothing but bring resentment against hiring standards. That said, there's evidence that diverse workplaces bring more creativity and financial been fits to businesses. It's also more economically sustainable as the businesses are able to tap into a full source of workers.
Isaac Scott
The most retarded shit about this country. If I ever own a company, I would rather hire poor sex offenders (the ones that peed in public) to avoid women
Ayden Russell
do you really need to ask?
Logan Bennett
A BETTER business tactic would be to provide a company paid GF or wife as part of your benefits package. This is literally the most efficient answer. Stable home life, more effective at work.
Robert Taylor
more like male gamer haha
Wyatt Evans
I think it's great. It makes incels mad and I love it
Owen Howard
Someone link the study about how amazon keeps the workplace diverse so that unions aren’t formed. If that doesn’t tell you what you need to know about muh diversity then I don’t know what will.
Christopher Cook
yep. the primary reason whites are being demographically displaced in america is because billionaire transnational corporation owners want a subservient, low iq slave class to lorde over. in a first world country we have higher expectations and if we don't get the worker's rights we demand we leave. so they'd rather bring someone in who was just perviously starving and trying to escape 3rd world violence who will work long hours for pennies on the dollar. they went overseas and now they're doing it here too. the biggest lie about conservatism is that it's about free markets - that didn't happen until the 80s when reagan formed anti-commie coalition, and lumped in godless wallstreet market types. thus (((neo-conservatism was born))) conservatism was about protecting tradition and culture, putting families above careers, being an upstanding member of your community, etc etc. what is it now? >wars for israel >free trade for billionaires looting our workers >moral weakness on social issues dressed up as lolbertarianism "live and let live" bullshit >w-we're not bigots, l-l-look at this black gay man for trump. y-you're the real bigot (accepting the left's moral framework that racism is the greatest evil and putting your people first is fascist and wrong) >fooling blue collar people into shilling for capitalism by treating america like a cosmopolitan economic zone rather than their homeland and a way of life that must be preserved >you can displace our populace so long as we do it "legally" so the displacement is less a conspiracy and more greedy hyper-capitalism (of course jews and other anti-whites are thrilled about it but i don't think they're the driving force). i'm happy with the left tearing down the system as long as we rebuild it right (which i think would happen because though the leftists are the loudest voices dominating our culture currently, they're limp-wristed faggots who will be forced to turn to middle america to rebuild the system)
It is not good for efficiency that is for sure, you guys are lucky because to become an engineer you have to be semi competent. In my company it really fucks the lower levels and middle management.
Justin Young
Luke Gomez
How could diversity be better? How do you expect your male co-workers to form brotherly bonds and get shit done if they are always holding their tongues to not offend a hole or fighting each other in power plays because they don't want to look like a weak beta in front of a woman.
Zachary Thompson
yeah, men and women are different socially. they are meant to be together and love and support each other, NOT work together. it's never been that way for all of human history until the last 70 years or so.