Character says ass

hold on, what?


>character uses japanese
>subs use english

Attached: Kimi Ga Shinu Made Ato 100 Nichi - Chapter 7.1 - Take Caution Against Minori-chan (First Half) - Page 19 Umi grrr.png (498x786, 85.05K)

What anime?
not the pic but the quote

>Character yells out their desire to murder winter sports equipment
>Subs say "I love you"

Attached: 1426799305352.jpg (534x401, 28.04K)

cute slut

She's just a confused little girl

aren't we all...

>character says die joe boo
>subs says are you ok

Attached: Special 03 - The Melancholy of Balalaika.mp4_snapshot_02.34_[2020.03.28_17.53.20].jpg (1280x720, 446.81K)

not this time, buddy.

Attached: 367.png (835x1200, 432.95K)