Fuck digital animation. Hand drawn cel animation is infinitely better.
inb4 it depends on the show. Yes, all digital anime is shit in comparison.
Fuck digital animation. Hand drawn cel animation is infinitely better
Michael Brown
Jordan Cook
I agree but don't care.
Hudson Lee
Thanks for your opinion.
Ryder Flores
Jack Wood
why don't you try animating something user, i'm sure that'll be a far more fulfilling use of your time than shitposting about shit you're too retarded to know anything about
Brandon Reyes
Eva rebuilds are an atrocity, the lines and colors are just repulsive to look at
Chase Green
Yep, despite being "better" they look so much worse.
Thomas Edwards
time traveled post from 2003
Liam Robinson
I dunno. First try find actually good looking traditional cell animated anime to show instead what you picked for OP
Nathaniel Bell
Anime never had as much sakuga as it has now.