Fuck digital animation. Hand drawn cel animation is infinitely better

Fuck digital animation. Hand drawn cel animation is infinitely better.
inb4 it depends on the show. Yes, all digital anime is shit in comparison.

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I agree but don't care.

Thanks for your opinion.

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why don't you try animating something user, i'm sure that'll be a far more fulfilling use of your time than shitposting about shit you're too retarded to know anything about

Eva rebuilds are an atrocity, the lines and colors are just repulsive to look at

Yep, despite being "better" they look so much worse.

time traveled post from 2003

I dunno. First try find actually good looking traditional cell animated anime to show instead what you picked for OP

Anime never had as much sakuga as it has now.

fuck anime, manga is better

cel animation is skill


For me aesthetically, the best looking cell work looks better than the best looking digital work. Thta's not to say it is impossiible for digital anime to reach those heights, digital has only been prominent for less than 20 years so has a lot of potential to be properly mastered, that is if they don't go in the direction of heavily relying on digital effects to mask shortcomings


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>posts digital animation

Skill > whatever that is digital because thats fucking lazy

>Thta's not to say it is impossiible for digital anime to reach those heights
The reason for that is the standardized tools (hardware). It's a self-imposed limitation. Good installation artists, for example, build their own machinery from scratch.

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Both require skill to be good dumbass. See .

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>ecchi blisters
eugh. Kyoani got what they deserved for popularizing that shit in non-ecchi shows

no progress has been made in solving the nose problem

Cel animation is severely limited as a technique. Digital animation is even better when it's done well, but just as bad as the worst cel when it's done even slightly poorly.

Just gotta watch the right stuff actually.

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Yes, it's limited by skill and passion, which is why modern """artists""" prefer digital.

What the fuck do you know about skill or passion?
Do you do animation? Do you draw? Do you voice act or make music?

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I agree with you in general, but I'm tired of these discussions every fucking day.

It's not really about the animation, Slam Dunk was a passionate project with excelent source material even if the animation was wonky and reused at times, same with many other classic anime
Bottom is mass produced fodder made for otakus with no sense of taste

>fixing what isn't broken

I can see the right pic as the tip of a really simple nose but I'm unable to visualize the left as anything.

One thing I can't stand about digital animation is how it's all so bright and washed out. Even the dark scenes seem bright and washed out.

I can guarantee you if this were made in digital it would look plastic and awful for the majority of people, save from some animators who think they're hot shit for doing some in-between outsourced animations.

Attached: [PWM] Angel's Egg [BD 1080p 10bit FLAC][97E33F83].mkv_snapshot_00.10.08_[2016.03.25_16.45.03].jpg (1920x1080, 1.81M)

You know what is a difference between "then" and "now"? Anime has become what people who didn't watch (or even like) anime said anime was.

You people remind me of all those hipsters who go out to buy record players and listen to vinyl over their earbuds.

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust was the swan song of traditional cel animation.

It's a nose with a weird shadow, like they are often drawn. Oversimplified facial features are common in anime with cutesy characters so I'm not complaining here, it all depends on the style.

Attached: Otaku no Video (2).webm (640x480, 2.84M)

Oh man, I totally have to be a sculptor to understand why Michelangelo's David is better than a chicken statue made out of manure.

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