Fuck digital animation. Hand drawn cel animation is infinitely better

fuck anime, manga is better

cel animation is skill


For me aesthetically, the best looking cell work looks better than the best looking digital work. Thta's not to say it is impossiible for digital anime to reach those heights, digital has only been prominent for less than 20 years so has a lot of potential to be properly mastered, that is if they don't go in the direction of heavily relying on digital effects to mask shortcomings


Attached: 1585958109930.webm (636x480, 1.48M)

>posts digital animation

Skill > whatever that is digital because thats fucking lazy

>Thta's not to say it is impossiible for digital anime to reach those heights
The reason for that is the standardized tools (hardware). It's a self-imposed limitation. Good installation artists, for example, build their own machinery from scratch.

Attached: [Anonymoose] WONDER (BD, 10bit) [DCEC1744].mkv_snapshot_06.24.342.jpg (1280x720, 315.74K)

Attached: 1586572612515.webm (640x480, 1.66M)

Both require skill to be good dumbass. See .