No male love interest or self-insert

>No male love interest or self-insert
>No male spin-off
>No Producer or Admiral
>No Andrew or Frank
>No Shuuichi or Taki
>No Genjuuro, Ogawa, or Ver
>Still manage to be two of the biggest and most popular franchises today
Why can't we have more like them? They're are all about cute girls doing what they love without some beta self-inserts or crappy het romance ruining it. Are there even others like them?

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JAV sluts

>Symphogear without show-stealing dickfaces
If only this was real. Goddammit

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More like it's depressing how males get taught growing up to hate on other males in favor of women for no real reason.

t. Andrewcuck

Genjuro was an amazing mentor to Hibiki and a father to Chris

It's fine. OP will likely never breed or become a tranny, which is the same verdict. It's actually good that stupid people will die off because it means they won't be around in the future generations.

There are so many homo anime every season for your homo/bara/yaoi lust and you pick Symphogear of all the things?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick S2 - 04 [720p].mkv - 0033.jpg (1280x720, 161.55K)

There are tons of all-girl series, most just aren't as popular as those.

Attached: (Hi10)_Love_Live!_-_10_(BD_1080p)_(FFF).mkv_snapshot_05.32.jpg (1920x1080, 126.07K)

>An anime about badass cute girls
>Only watch it for normie males

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