>No male love interest or self-insert
>No male spin-off
>No Producer or Admiral
>No Andrew or Frank
>No Shuuichi or Taki
>No Genjuuro, Ogawa, or Ver
>Still manage to be two of the biggest and most popular franchises today
Why can't we have more like them? They're are all about cute girls doing what they love without some beta self-inserts or crappy het romance ruining it. Are there even others like them?
No male love interest or self-insert
JAV sluts
>Symphogear without show-stealing dickfaces
If only this was real. Goddammit
More like it's depressing how males get taught growing up to hate on other males in favor of women for no real reason.
t. Andrewcuck
Genjuro was an amazing mentor to Hibiki and a father to Chris
It's fine. OP will likely never breed or become a tranny, which is the same verdict. It's actually good that stupid people will die off because it means they won't be around in the future generations.
There are so many homo anime every season for your homo/bara/yaoi lust and you pick Symphogear of all the things?
There are tons of all-girl series, most just aren't as popular as those.
>An anime about badass cute girls
>Only watch it for normie males
Yuru Yuri
Girls und Panzer
Jashin Dropkick
Houkago Teibou Nisshi
Maybe Eizouken fits as well
>A lot of people don't even know that Jashin is voiced by Mari
>>A lot of people don't even know that K-On is still alive
K-On >>>>>>> Love Live
>Written by kakifly
Into the trash it goes
It's not the same if there's no HTT
OP is the epitome of that.
Fucking virgins need to get a fucking girlfriend
K-on is fucking dead and LL is dying. Im@s is the most successful music franchise in Japan.
>A show is only watchable if it has my self-insert guy
Are otaku fatasses really this anti-social?
*blocks your path*
>Riko hairbang
>Mari hairbun
Kakifly is a Love Liver
>Muh Producer
is what made me drop idolshitmaster.
Fucking based
You describe exactly what Zig Forums is
And get metoo'd while you shout "believe all women" on the sidelines. Not falling for your bullshit.
Proof positive
>Mentioning metoo to fight back
imagine fighting between idolshitters
We already know you feminists actively search for people to guilt trip into getting metoo'd. Which is exactly what you're trying to do to us right now.
I don't hate male characters but shows with them often end up being a clusterfuck because they want to pander to beta virgins who are desperate to self-insert to cope with their sad lives and ruin the show's potential.
remember bang dream and argonavis?
>yurifags are so sensetive, they can't handle a single guy in their shows
>is that girl falling in love with a guy who isn't my self-insert, what the hell is this NTR shit?
I would respect non-yurifags a lot more if they didn't pretend they never freak out when something they don't like happens.
>Male spinoff
>Two /vg/ generals
>Still nowhere near as popular as Love Live
What a failure
>>is that girl falling in love with a guy who isn't my self-insert, what the hell is this NTR shit?
iM@Sfags at least don't care about this.
>Little Witch Academia anime had males
>Flopped hard
>Azur Lane anime removed male commander
>Sold hard
When will Japan ever realize this?