I'm willing to watch Full Metal Alchemist, but I have one question.
Does make any sense watch FMA having Broderhood, or should I just go for BH
I'm willing to watch Full Metal Alchemist, but I have one question.
Does make any sense watch FMA having Broderhood, or should I just go for BH
read the archive for million of the same topics, newfag
>funimation in the poster
of course
enjoy listening to a shitty fired pedophile court jobber
brotherhood follows the manga better, the ending of the original adaptation is not canon and completely different than the manga
2003 FMA has better pacing and a superior OST
Brotherhood has a more colorful cast of characters and a greater overall story.
how about you just watch both
Thanks user, guess I will watch 2003 now and Brotherhood later
Watch both FMA & FMA:B, throw the manga directly into the trash. Both of these offer a pretty different & enjoyable experience.
2003 is better for everything but animation so there you go
Will do
03 is better but it's worth watching both.