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Anime #2029
Seven Seas - Monthly Licensing Survey
WSJ 29 Cover
Zig Forums's favorite deres
Black Clover
About 600 anime later and this is still my favorite
Imagine how much dicks she had to please to survive til this point
Tomboys. Good or great?
MC's power is hit really hard
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Mogs your shitty childish manga
Dai Dark
Dragon Ball Super
His favorite anime is less than 20 years old
Buyfag thread
What would you do if your mom reincarnated as your kouhai
Why does she trigger Ninofags so much?
The greatest anime of all time?!
Tower of God Discussion
ITT characters who have canon HAD SEX
Left or Right?
Lina Inverse is boyish and fla--
Delicious brown girl villainess isekai
OP is literally for kids
Nothing beats this aesthetic
When will we admit Toei is garbage?
Nakano Nino
Kimetsu no yaiba
Tomoe Mami just saved you from a witch!
Buzzy Noise pt. 2
Inuyasha / yashahime
If you could kill any manga artist and steal their ability to draw, who would you choose?
Better than Cowboy Bebop in every way
How do you call schierke?
Why aren't her parents telling her behavior is wrong for her age?
This episode was completely incomprehensible
One Piece
Anus status: defended
Manga about an adult woman grooming an elementary school child
Prichan, Mewkledreamy, AiPare
Story Time - World Trigger
Wakusei Closet Final Chapter
What did Pitou say again?
This anime is bad because the plot isn't interesting
When did MS went from “last resource jutsu” to “I’ll spam this shit 20 times during a battle lmao”?
Strongest Legend Kurosawa Volume 8
Tower of God Episode 7
Unpopular Waifus
Hunter x Hunter
Breeding MAteriaL
Name the Hottest Character w/ the Given Hair Color
Despite it being sold as a "series about pirates" , it has hardly anything common with this theme...
Violet Evergarden
Is this the holy triangle of anime? They all offer the best of anime
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Shingeki no Kyojin
Dio should have won
Was went through Oda's mind when crafting this design? This is horrendous
It is now 2020 and there are still people on Zig Forums who do not know Japanese? Why is this allowed?
Is she hot
Guys I think I'm in love with a snek. What do?
Did anybody say Goblins
Ah... user... you're trying to trick me too, aren't you?
Komi-san Chapter 251
ITT: manga axed too soon
One Piece
Yakuza Saga
He thinks amiral are not Yonko level
How the FUCK do you escape from this?
Is Shinji homosexual?
Green flags in anime/manga
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Weekly Shounen Sunday dumps
Anime Food Thread
General NHK ni Youkoso
ITT relatable quotes
Shingeki no kyojin
Tower of God Discussion
Tfw there’s not a SINGLE anime where the girl/women wear chador
Are these any good or are they kyoani's worst shows?
Admit it, she's the GOAT hentaifu
Kengan Omega
Aside from haiyore nyaruko San, why havent we gotten any more lovecraft anime?
Are we allowed to discuss this here or does it count as a yiff thread
Draw images of things from anime and other anons have to guess which one you're referring to
Neon Genesis Evangelion STORYTIME - VOLUME 13
Homura Akemi
How come he never got laid?
Does Rikka have the best thighs in the Anime industry? who can compete with her?
Yuusha Goikkou no Kaerimichi
Why was Hidan so weak compared to the other Akatsuki?
Kaguya manga thread
Houkago Teibou Nisshi
OPT with a twist
Hanakana is a 31 year old unmarried single cake!
Mato Seihei no Slave
Ah yes, the peak of anime
Best rape
Subs call him "Bam"
Dragon ball super
Part 2 Best Part?
Any little girls with super powers or special powers?
FLCL thread
Parallel Paradise ch.119 RAW
Whats your "Fuck you I liked it" anime
What's your "fuck you I didn't like it" anime?
Tall girls
There is only one good animu. The remake doesn't count either. You can't prove me wrong, so don't even try...
100 girlfriends/kanojo
Supposedly the most popular of the main three fate girls
Kaguya-sama WTF
Tsubasa-chan, You're My Killer Match!
Rumiko Takasashi in Stranger Sorento April 2015
Yu-gi-oh! Sevens
One Piece
Kengan Omega
I got into FLCL and this shit seems as overrated as it gets. Are the sequels redeemable or something...
Webm & Gifs Thread
Haruka Hano will have Livestream vodcast and sketching session!
ITT: imposters
Left or right thread
Kimetsu no Yaiba Final Chapter Spoilers
Why are opinions on elfen lied so split...
Look at your keyboard between T and O
Cultured Image Thread. Post on the finest
Shingeki no Kyojin
Why So Many K-On! and Gabriel Dropout Shills?
My favorite anime girls are between 12 and 15 years old
Oh no
What if Obito had both his Kamui eyes and perfect Susanoo? Who can beat him, realistically?
Why are mangakas so insecure about giving the main characters an idealized male body these days...
Post the most beta mc you know
Which has been your favorite TV hentai so far over the last 3 years?
Schäferhund Chapter 6
Original: "Hello, Classmate-san"
This is just way too big
Why are the nips incapable of understanding another cultures food?
Fuck you, I liked it
So what are we gonna go for spring AOTS 2020, seeing as how half the season got fucked? What's left?
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Was Gaara strong enough to solo an Akatsuki member?
ITT: Characters who are you
Why was Yu-Gi-Oh so fucking popular in the early 2000s?
Mfw china saved Japan and anime with their virus
What did she mean by this?
This is a very seductive Succubus
Did One Punch Man and Blizzard kiss yet in the Web Novel?
Why did this character cause so much ire among western fans?
Why has anime gone to shit at the latter half of the decade?
Boku no hero academia
One Piece
Professional explanation - Loli
Only 4 days until kny meets its demise. Which series will the housewife fanbase flock to next...
Mc just wants a normal everyday life
Looking up to Magical girls
5 Centimeters per Second
Rebuild world Ch. 9
Why is Kaguya so horny all the time? Acting like a bitch in heat isn't proper etiquette for a lady
[Breaking News] FGO admits to plagiarism
ITT Hard facts to swallow
What will generic anime look like by 2030?
Fuck riot for banning free fucking speech
I haven't watched a single movie of this fag lol
Isekai in space
Urusei Yatsura
I just finished watching Stardust Crusaders
Those who don't make it in the Japanese video game industry go direct anime
Naoko Yamada
Covered or bare feet?
Anime peaked in 1998 with Lain
Samurai 8
Thoughts on Diana Cavendish?
God this is fucking boring
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san 205
Thoughts about recent furry presence in anime?
Aoi is /MY/ girl~!
Best waifu
Oricon's Top 10 Weekly Chart by Series (05/04 - 05/10)
I hate when semi smart authors need to show how smart they are. It seriously offends me
ITT: We post manga panels we like
Well, it seems Nagato was a slut all this time
Has any manga experienced such a decline like this and Berserk...
Tower of God anime
Index > Railgun
1. First name in the book
Why does anime art always have characters sticking one of their arms out. It pisses me off
Is it worth reading Zig Forumsnons?
Black Clover
Kaos-sensei is competent and useful. I don't understand why some people are mean to her
My 7 year old cousin ask me what cartoons girls watch when i was in school and i replied sailor moon...
So when does it get good?
Luffy is so boring
Are you guys watching any older Precure seasons to fill the void while Healin' Good is on hiatus?
Why is humor such a weak suit for anime...
Buzzy Noise pt. 1 continued
Dragon Ball Super
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
TOG anime
ITT post characters who should have been the protagonist
Domestic Girlfriend
The best Saber is
Which is the most depressing, soul crushing anime that has made you cry like a stupid faggot?
Hello f/a/gs
Buzzy Noise pt. 1
What is about school girls that make the japs go crazy about them?
ITT characters who changed the industry forever
How come nobody remembers Tenjho Tenge either as a show or a manga?
Monster Musume
ITT: Characters who deserve more hentai
Samurai 8 Final Volume Illustration
So this is basically the God of all manga, the Bugatti Veyron, the unreachable perfection of visual storytelling...
Re-reading watamote makes me depressed because of how much of a normalscum tomoko has turned into
Daily 3x3 thread
Princess Connect
Why has their site been so bad lately?
Detective Conan
What was she listening to the whole time?
Assassination classroom
One Punch Man
Why is there a distinct lack of JS Romance series?
What manga are you currently reading? I started reading Suicide Boy
One Piece
Can you pretend to be my boyfriend, user?
Shingeki no kyojin
Why are elves always hungry for human cock?
Chainsaw Man
Wait, isn't Revy supposed to be Chinese?
I love ya
Strongest Legend Kurosawa Volume 7
Made in Abyss
9 years later
Kaguya manga thread
Be one of the few dicklet futas in a world full of hung futas
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
ITT: Moments that made you drop a show
Shingeki no Kyojin Volume 19 Storytime
Why half of the characters in this manga talk like they have some sort of high-functioning autism...
Is there any actual "Christian" anime...
Himenospia chapter 31 dump
She had 3(!) Babies
How can you tell who’s Japanese?
Post a bigger hack
Is the age of characters really important?
Is there any character in anime that divides anime-onlies and manga readers more than Subject F?
Red flag thread
Inuyasha is finally a dad
Boo hoo I was abandoned by my family when I was five, raped every day, and have a gate to hell inside me heart...
How do you cope with your waifu/your love interest being used goods?
What is Zig Forums opinion on Ange?
Hunter x Hunter
ITT: great villains
Nooo Krillin, don't kill this dangerous, overpowered murderer that genocides whole planets...
Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake! Volume 19 Omake
What do I do if I'm madly in love with Iri?
Whose got the best breasts in anime?
Daily GA Chapter
One Piece
ITT: shows only you remember
ITT: Describe an anime you never watched
Boku no Hero Academia
Do you prefer Erza or Lucy?
Story Time - World Trigger
One Piece
Why do yuri otaku hate fujoshi?
Dungeon Meshi
It's quite simple, actually
The only thing standing between him and your waifu is the protagonist of the last anime you watched. How fucked is she?
Ochako losing her interest in Deku and falling for Bakugo instead is unironically a great character development plot...
Urusei yatsura
Zig Forums sings Ringo Mogire Beam
Oshi no Ko
In the name of NERV
Ochako is for______
Post your waifu, other anons make assumptions about you
Neon Genesis Evangelion STORYTIME - VOLUME 12
Watch anime
Pepper is light and easy to carry
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
Brutally judge and berate anons for their top 5 animes
Sunohara so no Kanrinin san
Look at her go!
Is her school doomed without her?
Why is this guy such a hypocritical faggot?
You'll never see an anime like this again
Halfway through this anime. If Ranka doesn't win I will rage with the force of a thousand suns
Komi 251 the one with the mixer
Most popular character on may 2020
What is Kanna looking at?
What does Isekai tell us about Liberalism and Late Stage Capitalism?
So for months I heard everyone praise Demon slayer episode 19 as the best thing ever. Right now I finished it...
KENSHIROU NI YOROSHIKU(Send my regards to Kenshiro)
I heard you unironic weebs enjoy battle manga that aren't One Piece or Jojo...
What is it about Hunter x Hunter that makes shonenfags seethe so much?
My wife Chino
Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen chapter 113 omake
To anybody who watches anime
Love Live! vs The Idolm@ster
"Give a man a fishing anime and he'll eat for three weeks, teach a man to fish and he'll keep making threads."
For me, it's ougi
What manga are you currently reading user?
If Japan goes bankrupt in this corona crisis, will the anime die?
When will Zig Forums admit that it was 6/10 at best
Stop lewding your Servants. They are heros not your sextoys
Cuckoo's Fiancee
Why does anime hate beards and old people
Post manga/anime
PriChan, Mewkledreamy and Aipare
Sonic X
Shingeki no Kyojin
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Is shield hero worth it?
Post indisputable truths from anime and manga
Who is the smartest anime character?
Who Remembers Love Hina?
Pointless merch thread
How do you go from this
Axebait/Newbie WSJ manga
Dragon Ball Super
Kimetsu no yaiba
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
I don't like agua
Was there a more underused character in Naruto?
Badly describe an anime and other anons guess what it is
One Piece
OPT - One Page Thread
Hitomi's tits are fat
Domestic Girlfriend 272 (2020) (Digital) (danke-Empire)
What do you dedicate more time to?
Destroy all humanity it can't be regenerated
I'm willing to watch Full Metal Alchemist, but I have one question
What do you think of Marie?
What are imoutos for, Zig Forums?
Lost and insecure
Are there actually bullies that love nerds
What's Zig Forums's consensus on lolis?
World's End Harem anime
Raildex Buddy
A Trail of Blood - Chi no Wadachi - Chapter 74
Boku no Hero Academia
Creepy Cat
Develop Killua and Gon's friendship for hundreds of chapters in a natural, organic manner at a steady pace
Kengan Omega
Black hair and red eyes
You're not British. Please stop pretending to be one
Why is anime all shit these days?
So this was pretty good, season 2 when?
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Season 2
What's the deal with panties?
Why doesnt any new anime look like this anymore?
Lum is a better darling-poster than z*ro-two
Zig Forums is a doll board
St/a/lkers, choose your Zone girlfriend
Warning: this thread is a bullying zone
Why is anime more popular when manga is objectively the superior medium?
I will never stop being mad
Halfway through the first season of Re:Zero
Were you ever in anime anime club?
ITT: Winners
Knockout beauty
Why was it so good?
There are actually people who think this is good animation for a fight scene. Humanity is a lost cause
What's your favorite thing about Megumin?
Kaguya Manga thread
Did he die?
Give me one isekai character that can beat him
Naruto peaked here
When will his manga catch on in the West?
You're using all this free time learning japanese right Zig Forums?
This is why Black Clover is called special
Does Zig Forums like little girls?
Yuki is just a slut like Haruhi!
Hinamatsuri 97
Watch Monogatari
Objective Shounen Manga/anime rating
You know the drill
An eva could totally kick a Gundam's ass
Do Japs actually watch 3d adaptations of anime?
Yup it's that time again, let's read Black Clover volume 2
ITT: characters we've all jerked off to
Is this fair?
What's her name again?
So I never much liked Fairy Tail but I've been reading Eden's Zero and it's pretty decent...
Why aren't the mods doing anything about this?
Does Zig Forumslike girls with creepy smiles?
Ao-chan has cheated on Kijima twice so far in the manga with two separate people...
Is Char Aznable a well-written character?
Domestic na Kanojo
Post girls that are very likely to sell themselves
Kimetsu No Yaiba
Buyfag thread
Greetings to everyone on Zig Forums. I am L
Is this accurate?
Dragon Ball Super
Dragon ball super
Which of these Yunos do you like the most?
Why did Asuka and Shinji hate themselves?
An ideal male
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
Zig Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies