OPT - One Page Thread

Post the page that made you realize you're reading a enjoyable manga

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Is it my impression or i've seen this thread before /a?

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Posting more because I like sharing manga

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am i autistic for naming the pages i save?

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Here's another one

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no, you are a true hero, because that way there's no reason to ask for the source of any page you post in the future

>WOW!!!! Berserk, haven't heard of that one before! Awesome to see that niche manga in a OPT!
Stop seeking for validation with your edgy shounen garbage.

aren't you just doing the same with this post?
>hey guys look at me I hate Berserke for crying out loud, someone agree with me please!

stop seeking attention you clown, this is OPT and people can post whatever they like

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I am telling you to get the fuck out of OPT if you have nothing interesting to post. Fuck off.

apply to yourself?

Since when OPT threads are only for niche manga? What's wrong with liking Berserk anyways?

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Yes, let's pretend there is no problem with posting shitty fucking page everyone knows and has seen a 100 times! Surely it is better if it is never pointed out!
Like Berserk all you want but who the fuck hasn't seen all the pages a million fucking times already?

how many asuka v rei threads are posted every time?
how many hunterchads vs other people threads are posted every time?
how many waifu material threads are posted every time?
>could go on forever

do you hate everything that repeats over the course of time?

let people share their likings as much as they want you dense motherfucker

Not everyone has read Berserk. Stop ruining the thread for no reason.

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imagine thinking what you say literally matters ever

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>how many asuka v rei threads are posted every time?
>how many hunterchads vs other people threads are posted every time?
>how many waifu material threads are posted every time?
Right. I don't like those threads, so I don't enter them. I like OPT's though so I usually check it out. The reason I told you to fuck off with your Berserk page is due to that garbage having been posted a million times already, and I don't get why you want to turn this into a general.
Everyone who gives a fuck about berserk has already read it.

Was enjoying it from way earlier but this is just killer

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When this kino spread dropped.

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Wakusei Closet

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>stop liking what I don't like waaahhhh
Fuck off autist.

Piss poor reading comprehension, buddy.

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1 day, 1 OPT

this grows stale very fast, though

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Dimension W

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Dasei 67%

I heavily suspect the mangaka is a footfag.

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