I cannot believe tomorrow we will have spoilers which will contain the preview of the chapter after the one we'll have this week, which will be the last of Rizu's narcoleptic arc. I really cannot believe.
I cannot believe that girls are really just boys who were so good in their last lives that God granted them a single wish.
I love Rizu
>narcoleptic arc
It's not like that at all
This arc is about as good as Rizu is a character.
user, this arc is so boring and empty, it got hijacked by Sawako. She's the one making it interesting and worthwhile.
Nariyuki and Rizu took a backseat.
The worst thing is, Rizu is a passenger in her own arc lmao
So it's very good
Everything Sawako did was in function of Rizu anyway
I cannot give my opinion on this arc for I fear the mighty and capricious Rizuanon.
I'll say it since everyone else is afraid to. This arc is just as lame as the Uruka one. I wondering if 22i purposely decided to get the boring arcs over with first before heading to the meat of the series. Fumino/Mafuyu have stuff to work with, while Asumi and her chapters have always been pretty fun in my opinion. The sole thing that makes the Rizu arc "better" is that the threads aren't so shit, but that's probably due to Rizufags being non-existent on this site.
They exist in between hyped and bored realm.
The M E H