One Piece

Was the dancing for 5 years a mistake in Oda’s part? Did he really have nothing better to fill in that year gap with?

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Zoro > Sanji
I’m based
I accept you concessions Sanjifags

Hey Luffy!

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The Sanji vs Zorofagging is completely out of control lately, and I blame Oda for that.

Zoro didn't do shit for 12 years now, and Zorofags are hardcoping about it while building up insane expectations about his powerlevel.

Sanji only got shit on since the timeskip, and fightfags are really mad that the arc about the crew's cook was about his love for food.

I hope this arc is gonna settle this shit for good.

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I think Oda just fucked himself with the timeline, trying to get too many events to line up. He needed something to stretch out 5 years btwn Oden sailing with Roger and Oden boiling. I don't know what else he could have done.

I love him so much!!!

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>Yes my favorite character in manga is Trafalgar D. Water Law. How could you tell?

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I kneel.

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My first impression was yes, that the dancing only happened because Oda needed to sync up the timeline but at the same time he needed something for their present time followers to have any kind of appreciation towards him, before this he would simply be the idiot who left his country behind let Orochi take over and came back only to be defeated. With this he at least lowered himself to save the people.
It also works very well for Orochi's side at the same time as it fuels his propaganda and his "fool of a lord" image of him.