
Make or request Zig Forumsrt

Attached: League Homage.png (2000x2500, 2.74M)

Requesting Hinata spying on a boys' hot spring. With a full body ninja suit for camouflage.

Attached: Peeping Hinata.png (1074x715, 1.02M)

Requesting Archer holding the Monado sword in Gar Plains.

Attached: Archer_Monado.png (1664x1664, 3.81M)

Requesting Death Note in Kaiji/Fukumoto style.

Attached: I'm L.jpg (2435x839, 255.19K)

That's a nice pic

Requesting the meme on the right, but with Saeko.

Attached: The blade.jpg (2550x1199, 826.22K)

Requesting Giba from Pochitto Hatsumei Pikachin Kit wearing a Japanese bloomers

Attached: 1589197293778.jpg (1592x1616, 417.57K)

Requesting Miyabi Kagurazaki from Ai Yori Aoshi wearing the same bikini as the model in the pic

Attached: A3A5345F-9F69-4214-8D2F-BAFAE1B4A1F5.png (1887x1370, 2.52M)

Requesting Karen Kujo posting on a brit Zig Forums thread. In one of two scenarios.
> Alice Cartelet walks in on her
> Both Karen and Alice are shit slinging with each other on Zig Forums without either of them knowing who the other is.

Attached: Karen and Alice.png (796x905, 1.13M)

Koenma and Enma-kun arguing who's Lord Enma's favorite

Attached: Enma.jpg (564x223, 32.7K)