Post manga panels that have SOUL

Post manga panels that have SOUL

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Attached: 14_425151_1918_1400.jpg (1918x1400, 424.24K)

Attached: f13f5f619a9084eaf11d4e09dba8efe8a44789ae_hq.jpg (1024x576, 131K)

Honestly, pretty much every Brook centered panel has soul

Attached: x258.png (759x1200, 276.07K)

>colored manga

You can't get more soulful than this

Attached: akuma ga boku wo.jpg (447x358, 147.07K)

Attached: GOAT Manga.jpg (1088x1600, 428.28K)

Attached: 32.jpg (900x1302, 194.54K)