Post manga panels that have SOUL

Post manga panels that have SOUL

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Honestly, pretty much every Brook centered panel has soul

Attached: x258.png (759x1200, 276.07K)

>colored manga

You can't get more soulful than this

Attached: akuma ga boku wo.jpg (447x358, 147.07K)

Attached: GOAT Manga.jpg (1088x1600, 428.28K)

Attached: 32.jpg (900x1302, 194.54K)

>GOAT Manga
maybe before the introduction of Schierke and the degeneration into a boring neverending story with drastically reduced art quality

I fapped way too many times to that one


all Jagayamatarawo doujin are masterpieces

Attached: 24[1].jpg (1280x1812, 480.48K)


Attached: the fire of rome.png (1885x1400, 462.19K)

fun doujin

Attached: Stairway to heaven.jpg (1800x1291, 130.49K)


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Nothing better


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Attached: va_color_v13_054.jpg (757x1200, 450.75K)

Attached: 1589713387809.png (658x962, 258.5K)

Attached: Reiri - Ch.0018 Vol.0004 Pg.0022 - Siege Commander, Tokugawa Ieyasu.png (844x1200, 330.62K)

Every panel from Soul Eater
