Are you strong enough to carry your waifu, Zig Forums?
Are you strong enough to carry your waifu, Zig Forums?
That's what I train for, yes.
>44 kilograms/97 pounds
yes, barely so, but yes.
no she's far too fat.
>58 kg
Yes, the question is for how long will I be able to
Masses under 40kg no longer exist to me. I am beginning to fear my own strength.
>95lbs or 43 kg
>5'1" or 157 cm
>BMI: 17.5
This girl is skinny
Probably. She's pretty skinny, and she's not all that tall.
Although I try to stay Zig Forums and lift weights, so that I'll still be able to carry her when She plumps up from being pregnant with all our children over the years.
>54 kg
I could probably at least princess carry her somewhere.
I just don't think I could do 3 sets of 10.
164 cm. Having seen her thighs and chest, I'd say she's pretty heavy, and I'm a delicate twink so the answer's no.
the real question:
is your waifu strong enough to carry you?
No chance in hell. I probably couldn't even lift her an inch off the ground
lift your fork isnt training
I can fit Lain on a flash drive so definitely yes
She's like 150cm and a twig so most likely yeah. Also this
My waifu weighs 72,000 tons. So, is impossible to lift her.
That image is a lie Titoria has zero fucking ass.
About time they drew decent size asscheeks in manga/anime instead of apple sized bone stickling, long back, no ass having girls. When dudes say "oh that's too much", I say what do you prefer? Then they point to a flat board and say "that's hot." Hold this L
I used to but then I dropped back to skeleton mode and probably can't anymore. Slowly training to get back so I can carry her.
Whats the best way to lift a girl?
Princess carry
Lifting her up will be easy. The only real question is how embarrassed she'd get and what prank she'd play on me later.
i want to fuck bunnytoria so bad
>20 pounds
Nigga what?
Fireman's carry
I can do THREE (3) sets of THIRTY (30) pushups now, I probably can!
I might not be able to lift a curse, but lifting my waifu is easy.
Saki is like 150cm and really light so of course I can
why did you have to ask that opie it fuckin hurt. my waifu would spit on me cuz i know i would break my arms if i carry her like that.
Are you strong enough to carry her AFTER she got her weight back?
>His waifu is a 10 year old lesbian
on your shoulders
>she is athletic but lightweight, 154 cm
Yeah, I think I'm good.
Like a cat or a baby, on your shoulder.
Maybe, her teats are too phat and she's almost as tall as me (6'4''). I bet she could princess carry me though
11 and canon straight
She doesn't have any official height nor weight, but for sure I'll be able to princess carry my love.