
Post yfw pic related

Attached: 20200623_095338.jpg (79x136, 4.83K)

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endgame right here brothers

Attached: best girl.png (800x1142, 711.01K)

Attached: Ishihappy.jpg (673x567, 48.14K)

sure, seems like it

Attached: 1589033683699.jpg (400x400, 23.14K)


Attached: 1573344700617.png (905x1400, 1.1M)

I can't believe prez is a mikofag

Shut the fuck up fucking retards. You are so annoying. Nobody gives a fuck about your cuck queen

Attached: hayasaka btfo.png (396x396, 188.19K)

Thanks, Aka.

Attached: 1592050517159.png (300x400, 124.29K)

Hayasaka fags are tsubame fags after all. Reason, they hopped onto another ship cuz IshiMiko is going to be canon.

Not so fast midget!

Attached: ko10mz4ygye31[1].png (393x527, 197.92K)